Chap. 21 - Lovebirds tryina sleep

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"That looks just great." you sigh hovering over it, touching the paint to realize its not even dry and just dripping down on the ground. "Oh shi-" you hear Dave mumble so you look up to see he was looking back, looking back aswell, you see his brother and his boyfriend Scott approaching happily as it seemed. He reached for the door only to realize it's locked, so he rushed in front of the damaged metal as you stood and watched them approach with an as guilty smile as his. "So, Dave, how was the housesitting?" Scott asks as Vincent looks at you smiling, waving, as you wave back at him. You've met the two before, they pretty much liked your presence around. "Oh, y'know, perfectly fine! just the best!" Dave almost stuttered as you nodded "yup! perfectly fine! hehe.." you gulped then looked at Vincent who seemed to notice something just by his ahoge, it was that twin connection between him and Dave he told you about.

Your eyes widened. "Oh yeah?" Scott asked doubtfully "sure thing!.." Dave responded as Vincent shoved him aside, as you catched him almost falling down. "Jesus Dave.." you mumbled as he looked up with a guilty, slight genuine smile. Vincent kicked the holes and somehow, with pure magic, it got repaired, not even a slight ounce of damage. You both gasped your eyes widening, "well, look at that! good as new! just like he said!" Vincent said with a smile. "Well, i've got to say, Wi- Dave, you really pulled it off." Scott said as Dave just sighed relieved "thanks.." he mumbled as you lifted him back up on his feet. "Oh y/n, thanks for keeping an eye on this idiot." he said as you smiled "n-no problem Scott! it was nothing!" you mumbled almost stuttering as he nodded.

"Do you perhaps want to come inside? you can sleep over if you'd like!" "oh no, no need to! i don't want to disturb.." you humbly responded to Vincent as he smiled "no, its fine! rea-" he tried the door then got cut off once he realized it was locked. "No wayy dudee.." he just stared at it then noticed the key inside on the table. "..Oh god dammit.." Dave mumbled as he noticed the key too. Scott groaned as meanwhile Vincent and Dave tried to force the door open as you just stared at the madness between them. "Guys i have a hairpin, maybe it works.." you said handing it to Dave as they tried lockpicking that poor door, after a few minutes it finally opened. "God damn it, finally.." Scott mumbled as he walked past the two and inside. "Thanks y/n!" Vincent said with a smile as you smiled back "you're welcome!".

"Come on inside!" Vincent said again as you shook your head "no need, i don't wanna disturb!.." you mumble "pleaseee?" Dave pleads as you look up at their faces, Vincent having a dumb smile on his face as his brother used his method when it came to convincing you, the cute pout face. DEVIOUS MANIPULATOR. 'Oh crap.' you think, you literally can't resist it, you always give in. You sigh "fine, i'll come!" you said as Vincent's smile widened "great!" he said as you then feel Dave drag you by the wrist inside their 'love bus' as you tripped and almost fell. You had to admit it was really nice decorated on the inside. "You tired Scotty?" "yeah Vinny, im kinda tired.." they gayly cooed as you could see the disgust on Dave's face. "oh my goood Scottyyy!! i love ya so much!! waaa Vinnyyy!" he mocked as you cracked a laugh, unfortunately, Scott heard.

"Are you mocking us you damned blonde?!" he exclaimed frowning as Dave's eyes widened. "Um, no no! totally not! how could i?! that would be so rude of meh!" he chuckled awkwardly as you facepalmed almost laughing. Scott frowned at him but sighed it off and walked away towards his and Vincent's room, Vincent following him, trying to probably calm him down as you and Dave just stared at them with plain dumb faces. "Uh.." you mumbled awkwardly looking at the two. "We should probs go to sleep too. Come on." Dave frowns then grabs your hand and drags you towards the driver's seats, you raised a brow then noticed a small ladder. "Oh." you muttered inaudibly as he climbed up the rather small ladder then crouched once he got up and lended his hand out. "Come on, also be careful, the ceiling is qwoite close to the sheets, don't hit yew head." he said as you nodded and slowly climbed up, crouching too once you got up next to him.

He suddenly placed his hand against your head as you look at him questioningly "in case, yew hit yer head against this stoopid low ass ceiling." he says softly as you nod and after a few seconds, you lift your head up then remember. "Ow." you hear Dave mutter as you realize his hand hit the ceiling, your eyes widen slightly, crouching again "sorryy.." you mumble as he nods with a small smile "it's foine, just lay down." you did as he said so he laid down too, slowly removing his hand from your head, and so, you began talking about whatever came to your minds, sharing small laughs while literally hurting your eyes by staring at that low ass ceiling. "My eyes hurt" you said puffing a chuckle, hitting the furry like ceiling with your palms "it's so close i con't even see it." Dave mumbled quickly opening and closing his eyes due to the pain it gave.

"How do you usually even sleep in this thing." you laugh quietly as he shrugs "i usually jus' close moy eyes and turn away." he simply says with a small smirk as you oh. "YOU WOKE ME UP!! CAN'T YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP??!" you hear Scott yell as your eyes widen "uhm..y-yeah! SORRYY..." you said guiltily as you could hear Vincent trying to calm his boyfriend down "c-calm down Scotty, come on, let's go back to sleep." you cracked a laugh and couldn't keep it anymore until you heard Dave curse them under his breath. "Focken bloody rats" and so many more things, you almost burst out laughing "s-stop!!-" you said about to crack as he just continued. You couldn't keep it in anymore, so you burried your face in his chest trying to muffle the loud laughs. "My bollocks! focken assy brits won't even let me have a laugh!" he kept on cursing as you laughed your soul out.

"IF I HEAR ONE MORE LAUGH...IM COMING UP THERE!!" you hear another yell from Scott as Vincent once again tried to gayly calm him down. You tried to keep quiet.."nye nye nyee blah blah goo goo ga gaa!" the texan mocked again as you couldn't just keep it in and laughed loudly. "OH THAT'S IT IM COMING UP." you heard angry steps as you lowkey got scared and sat up but just hurt your head which led into a fit of laughs and wheezes. "OKAY WHAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH YOU TWO." he said peeking his phone head from below the elevated platform of a bed as you almost yelled backing up into Dave who hit his head on the ceiling aswell. "CAN'T YOU KEEP QUIET FOR FUCK'S SAKES?!" he exclaimed walking up the little ladder, hitting his head too on the ceiling. "Scotty! come for god's sakes back down!!" you hear Vincent exclaim as Scott sighs and climbs down. "IF I HEAR ONE MORE CHUCKLE, YOU'RE BOTH DONE FOR." "shh shh..come to bed Scotty.." Vinny mumbled dragging away an angry Scott as you finally calmed down and laid down.

"That was a good laugh." you mumble as Dave nods with a smile also laying down. "What's the time?.." you mumble grabbing your phone to look. "Oh, 2 AM." you put your phone down as a weird silence settled in between the two of you. Suddenly you feel pulled into a really tight hug, you oh'd as you feel his hands make their way around your waist and onto your lower back holding you close, you blushed but your hands made their way onto his back aswell, it was relaxing, wasn't it? He softly kissed your forehead then quickly fell asleep, man..he really blacked out quickly in your presence, sweet. You soon fell asleep aswell.

??? POV:
"My dear, can't you see what you're putting yourself through?..playing a game of life and death, succumbing yourself into his masquerade and devious words just because they make you feel safe?..People like him cannot be redeemable, he will never change for the better..An atrocious soul like his only looks to achieve his goals through manipulation, pushing aside every obstacle they cross over."


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