Chap. 17 - Farewell Damian

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"Oh hey Dami! were we gone for long?" you ask with a smile as he sits up then looks you in the eyes then glares at Dave. "No, you weren't gone for long." he mumbles almost growling as your smile flattens. "Dami?..are you okay?" you ask approaching him as he pushes you away then glares at you "im fine y/n, im fucking great." he growled walking away as you sighed. "Dont worry yer pretty head darlin', he'll be jus' foine in a matter of mins." Dave exclaimed from behind your shoulder as you sighed. "I don't know Davey..he seemed pretty mad, i think i'll go check up on him." you said then ran away in the direction he left.

"Damiii! Damiannn??" you shouted after him then see him leaned against the wall crying. "OH MY JESUS DAMIAN WHAT'S WRONG???" you exclaimed kneeling next to him as he clinged onto you. "I loved you..i loved you with all my heart and you chose him over me..." he mumbled, his breathing hitched as you grew confused.
"W-What do you mean?.." you asked mumbling as he cried more "i saw you hugging, i saw you liking his gift more than mine..i saw you kissing him.." he cried loudly as your eyes widened, was he watching you and Dave?.. "W-Were you watching us?.." you asked as you feel him nod against your shoulder. "I loved you so much..all these past years..since we were just kids..i always tried to show it to you but you never noticed..i tried kissing you earlier but i couldn't..and chose him over me.." your eyes widened feeling guilty for not noticing over the past years, how could you.

"D-Dami i-i didn't chose him over you i jus-" "yes you did y/n, im not mad at you for doing just disappointed in myself that i couldn't be obvious about my love for you and that i couldn't show it to you sorry for worrying you with my cries and tears and shit, i was just jealous..that's all.." he mumbled calming down as you sighed. "Are you sure you're okay Dami?.." "yeah n/n, im okay..we're still besties..right?" he asked as you nodded "and im sorry for not feeling the same way but..there's more people, girls, boys, whatever you like out there, better than me that can love you for who you, you're handsome!! don't look after me! see how i only attract weird guys? first Alexander then Dave." you laughed as he nodded then hugged you again "thank you n/n.." you sighed quietly then broke the hug and smiled.

"Come on, smile, you'll feel better!" you say as he chuckles making you chuckle too. "Anyways..i think its time i leave..i need to get back to college.." he mumbled standing up as you nodded leading him to the entrance of the restaurant. "Call me whenever you can..i'll miss you." you mumbled hugging him "i'll miss you too n/n.." he said hugging you back, then he waved and walked out and to the bus station as you walked back inside. "Did Damian leave?" you hear Jeremy's voice as you nod slightly as he pouted. "Aw man..i didn't even get to say goodbye.." you chuckled "its okay tell me..when was the second employee bonding thingie?" you ask as he takes some seconds to think. "Uh..i suppose two months..februaryyyy.." he said with a smile as you nodded "thanks!".

-About 2 months later after stealing an animatronic from another company for no reason-

"Listen mx. l/n, i know you had other things to do regarding to this day but you know too that mr. Fitzgerald and mr. Miller can't be near im kindly asking if you can come along to..keep them apart perhaps?..we can split into groups! " Phil asked as you took some seconds to think "oh, sure! i don't mind it at all mr. Guy! im surely up for some fun!" you smiled as he sighed relieved "thank you so much mx. l/n!" he smiled as you nodded then the both of you walked out of Freddy's and towards the car. "YOU'RE COMING TOO??" Jeremy asked grinning as you nodded vigorously, he then grabbed your hands and you both began jumping up and down happily. "CAN'T WAIT TO TRY OUT ALL THE FUN THINGS WITH YOU!! ALSO, WANNA SIT BESIDE ME IN THE CAR??" "OF COURSE JERM!!" you exclaimed as you both ran to the car, opening the door and sitting down next to eachother as after a few seconds you see Dave and Phil get in aswell, driving off.

??? POV:
This Jerm, is confiding. If you still won't bear my warnings in mind my dear Y/n, please do seek help from him when it's too late to save yourself. I yearn for your welfare.

Arriving, you all get down then walk towards the entrance, buy tickets then walk inside the state fair. You opened your mouth to say something but Phil started "look mr. Miller, you said you like horses, right?" "of course..ehheh.." he stuttered as he walked over to a horse. "This is absolutely going down.." you hear Jeremy say as you nod holding back some chuckles. "Ya see Philip, back in Texas, we used to have a very specific method of horse tamin'. First-" he proudly said yanking the horse's tail as it suddenly hit Dave in the stomach with its back legs sending him back into the ground. "OH MY JESUS DAVE-" you exclaimed as Jeremy bursted into a whole ass laughing-wheeze fit, honestly, you cackled a laugh too, even Phil himself couldn't hold back one.

"JER- JEREMY- STOP LAAHAHAHA- LAUGHING!!!" you exclaimed now laughing even more because of Jeremy's contagious wheezes. "I- I CAN'T- IM- SORRAHAHAH- SORRY!!" he wheezed as you tried to hold your laughs back and walked over to Dave, kneeling next to him as poor him was out of breath. "You okay cowboy?" you said almost letting a chuckle escape as he looks up at you with a deadpan look. "Do i look okay to yew?" he grumbled as you lend your hand out, helping him up, "you're absolutely ridiculous Davey." you mumbled as he rolled his eyes jokingly, his usual smirk creeping back up on his face.

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