Chap 1

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Chap 1

"IMLIE!! Malinie shouted on top her voice as she saw her younger sister come running down the stairs half asleep wearing winnie the pooh pajamas. Imlie adjusted her glass and yawned when Malini scolded her , "You know today is sprout salad day for breakfast and you always make for me and i dont like anyone elses. I am getting late for shoot , why didnt you wake up on time!?" She said frustrated . Imlie sighed, "I was doing some research till late night and forgot to set the alaram. I will go make it now , it shouldnt take time" she said smiling .

"Rehne do! Am going next timr be careful" she snapped her fingers as she and her assistant Meera left the house. Imlie shook her head and went back to her room to brush her teeth and then make some breakfast herself or maybe let the cook make it for her today. She likes to do her work herself, she doesnt believe in keeping a cook. But then her sister being a star have her own diet she follows and not everything Imlie can deal with. Imlie loves eating everything her sister cannot eat. She always been in her sister shadow, hardly anybody knows that Malini even has a sister. Malini thinks Imlie as responsibilty her father left on her, heck they are step-sisters but it never bothered them or atleast Imlie thought so.

Malini detested her step-sister , for her she was just a tag along or somebody who stays in same house. Her father died taking promise that she will keep her here , and never bother her anyways. So far she was able to keep her promise but she doesnt know how long after all she was a bastard child. She huffed as she entered her set, her manager came to her and said , "We have an offer for an event hosted by most eligible bachlor and a millionaire. He wants you as cheif gues there and ready to sign a blank check" he said smilinh while Malini raised her eyebrow suprised to know someone is so desperate to invite her as guest.

Aryan was looking at himself in the mirror, he was happy today finally he had courage to send invite to Malini Chaturvedi. He had crush on her ever since he saw on her tv . She had grace and kindness to her face. She was loved by many and Aryan was fan a too. She was perfect, he was excited for the party this weekend. If she had denies then he will personally go and invite her. His assistant Subh came rushing towards him and smiling "She accepted it, she is demanding 10 lakhs "

Aryan signed the check and gave it to his assistant. "Make sure she is welcomed like they do in movies. I dont want any excuses. Its about my reputation and about my business" Subh nodded and left.

Aryan looked at himself one last time and left foe his office excited for the weekend.

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