Chap 6

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Chap 6

There were few people in garden but less than inside the hotel. 
"Actually I lost him. And your pen, i crashed into waiter and in that i stepped on pen and its broken" He said in one go and waited for her reaction. Only her eyes went wide but no other reaction. "Imlie" he called her name.
He waited and then "AAHHH WAHHHHHHHH"she started crying loudly like a child. Those few people rushed to them worried as the girl cried loudly.

One of the young guy , "You ok mam?" He asked looking concerned. Aryan was flabbergasted "IMLIE" he asked holding her shoulder.

"Aaahhhh wehhhhhhhh, this guy....he wont give my 10 lakhs i gave him on loan" She cried and Aryan was shocked "Wait what?!"

"I need my money bhaiyaa... he took my money nai raha bol raha hai nai dunga kya karlegi" She covered her face crying.

"Bhai dedo na kyu pareshan kar rahe ho" The guy said others looked at him disgusted.
"You look like rich person then why so cheap?" Another guy said.

Aryan had enough, he folded his hands "I WILL GIVE HER NOW LEAVE US ALONE"

The young guy asked Imlie and Imlie told them its ok so everyone left them alone. Aryan grabbed her and took to his car where Subh was standing.

"Are you crazy!??? What if some known person saw me like this?" He said anxiously.
"You ruined my mission!!" She said angrily too.
"Yar Imlie am sorry!!! Jaan buchke thodi kia!!"
"I am going home my mood is ruined and my pen!!! It was expensive almost all my savings went into camera" she sniffled but this was real not fake like in the garden.

"Yar i will get you thousands like this happy? Rona bandh kar meri ma" he shook her and suddenly she smiled.

"Thanks. Ok bye" she said
"Remember my part of deal?" He asked hopefully.
"Dekhungi" Imlie said arrogantly and left Aryan hanging.

When Imlie reached home, she was upset at what happen. That man might come back but her camera is ruined. She has one in her glasses, she can still go back? And try own her own maybe again? But first she will keep her side of promise.

She took some courage and went to Malini room. She knew she was home because she saw her car parked outside.
She knocked and was invited in , " I want you ask you something " Imlie directly said

"Say" she said disinterested
"Aryan Singh Rathore approached me and asked me if he can take you out on date and i said yes" Imlie told her.

"Why would you do that?" Malini said coldly
"For your image. He businessman and you a star. Both eligible and hottest people. You guys will be all over news and who knows you guys might actually click" she said
"Dates are private" Malini retorted
"Leave that to me" Imlie smiled. "Just will take a picture when he comes pick you up and will write something" she suggested.

"You are not stupid as I thought" Malini smirked.
"Ok. I will talk to Aryan directly. Thanks" That was her cue for Imlie to leave.

Imlie did exactly as she had suggested and news became sensation and spreading like wildfire that these two are dating.
Malini expected but Aryan never thought it will spread like it did. Infront of Aryan, Malini acted typical simple gracious generous woman. Aryan was impressed by her.

Aryan business boomed because of publicity whereas Malini popularity was all time high. Malini cared about career most, and Aryan actually started to think about marriage with her. He was attracted to her, found her to most sweetest person and didnt even think once about asking to marry him. Malini in excitement said yes but realized what it meant.

While this was going on, after first date Aryan personally came and thanked Imlie. Imlie was happy from distant and her only friend was now busy in romantic life. Somewhere it pinched her , that he slowly lost contact with her. But what does she know about friendship? He was the only friend and he was always upfront and honest with her so she has no complains.
A lone tear escaped shocking Imlie , "Why?" Asking the drop of tear on her finger.
"Why did you come out my eyes? I am ok" She said confused.

"Congratulations " Imlie texted Aryan for first time.
"Thanks my best friend. Its all because of you i met this amazing woman!! We havent met in while, chal lets go on a dinner?" Aryan texted back.
"Ok" Imlie replied

"Ready rehna kal 8 Pm" he said
"Ok" she replied. Atleast he acknowledged that they havnt been in touch. Imlie sighed, and thought about that funny almost sting operation.  She actually had gone back and caught that man. All he needed was some money and he blabbered everything. Hotel was shut down couple weeks until new management took over.
And yes Imlie got promotion . She wantes to share the news with her only friend.

But he was always busy either with work or Malini. So Imlie stayed in background, shared the happiness with no one. She just hugged herself and patted herself.

Presently, only one week was to marriage but she saw Malini face not having an ounce of happiness.

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