Chap 2

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Chap 2

Malini accepted the invite, she want to see the man behind this. She heard about him being the sexiest and most wanted but now with her own eyes she want to see. She googled pictures but only couple pictures were available and world is right he is handsome. She smirked, its been long she had flings and he can even boost her career.
Imagine the publicity she will get, if they are even clicked together. Lot of evil thoughts ran in her mind.

Imlie worked as junior reporter at City Times, she earns enough and satisfied of it. She doesnt even have friends, people dont approach her maybe because she is always been quiet and shy type. But she feels lonely and want to make friends but she doesnt have courage like her sister. She has big circle of friends, she has seen them at home having house party and enjoying. Malini never invites her, she would say "You look embarassing "

She was writing a report on local women NGO and on its progress late evening when her sister came in the room.

"Listen" she ordered, Imlie got up and nodded like obedient child.
"This Saturday we have a party to attend to. Usually i wouldnt prefer taking you but i need my entourage to look big so need people. Dress appropriately and be ready by 8 pm" She said that arrogantly and left without even getting a reply.  Imlie sighed , "Great! She wants to take me but as an entourage" she shook her head.  She will go, its not like she has any social life she will just go and enjoy herself.

She went to her wardrobe to see what she can wear. She found her favorite chiffon floral saree. This will be perfect, she thought . Elegant and classy and her sister wouldnt mind too. Should she show her? She should before she gets mad at her. She went to her room and knocked, "Come in " her sister replied.

"Malini , is this ok to wear ?" Malini looked up from reading a magazine. "What more can i expect from you. Its fine , i believe this is the best you have?" She asked

"Yes" she smiled nervously.
"Whatever. Close the door when you leave" going back to read her magazine.
"Kutti" Imlie whispered. Imlie giggled at her crazy self who nobody knows or even tried to know.  She is shy but when she to herself she is this crazy tomboy who wants to break free of her introvertness. She needs a friend who can push her but Alas nobody wants to be her friend . She is in shadow and thats why she agreed to party maybe she will find a friend there. She decided that she should try too , she cant expect everytime someone to approach her. She needs to get out of the shell.

The weekend came fast, Imlie wore her contact lenses with her favorite saree. She had light make up on, and small bracelet to go with her saree. She was simple woman and she loved to be simple. The venue was huge and crowded when they arrived. There were reporters everywhere, as soon her sister got out everybody gathered around her. The security was able to make way for Malini and her team. 

Her sister was different to the world, her image was on line ofcourse. For them, she was this sweet , kind, generous woman but only Imlie knew the truth. Imlie got between few of her team memebers, she didnt like cameras on her.
The place was beautiful, the chandliers and decorations was out of the place. She could see only Elites. Ofcourse Imlie , she slapped herself mentally what else you expect. She went to water stand and drank two bottles and join the team again. She was so thirsty. Her sister met few people, as she signaled her team to go away from her and over to the other side of the hall where it was dark.  Her and the team went and sat on dingy chairs, I guess they just sit and wait on her sister orders.  Imlie got up and went back into the hall area, she love observing everything. She was looking at the flower decor when she had sudden urge to pee. She looked around , it was such a big place she didnt know where to go.

She saw a good looking guy just 10 feet from her, she was mad at herself for drinking two bottles and now she badly needs to go bathroom. She walked funnily and tapped on the guy shoulder who turned around and looked at weirdly.  "Excuse me" she said fumbling
"Yes?" The man said
"I need to go peee, please tell me where can i go?" The guy first looked at her and then chuckled
"Are you serious?" He said
"What serious? Somebody is asking you and you find it funny? I need to pee or will pee here ! Hurry!!" Imlie said irritated not knowing that the man she is talking to is Aryan Singh Rathore .

"Straight, left corriodor and take a right" he said
"Thanks" Imlie replied and was about to leave when Aryan called out from back softly , "Be careful!! Dont want my party to be ruined by a pee pee" he joked but Imlie didnt hear and just rushed out.

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