Chap 10

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Chap 10

Imlie legs were on Aryan waist, but they were so tired and didnt realize. Aryan was the first one to wake up, when he felt heavy leg on his waist.

"What the" He said groggily but chuckled looking at Imlie sprawled like a kid. "Chasmish!!" He said loudly waking up Imlie who immediately took her legs off him. "Sorry" she muttered half asleep.

"You can keep leg on me, but i will tale charge for it" He smiled
"You are ridiculous " Imlie said getting up, cranky already. She didnt take off from work, infact she has to take train as her routehas changed and become more longer.

Aryan went to other room to take shower. Both then got ready in same room. "I will drop you to work" Aryan offered.

"No thanks" Imlie said
"Natak mat kar. How will you go? Isnt your office far from home?" He asked
"Yes it is. I will take the train" she said confidently even though she only went on train once and it was horrible experience.

"No way!! Trains are crazy at this time" he said
"So? I will be fine. Bye" She waved and left the room before he argues more.

Imlie train ride was horrible, the pushing and pulling was beyond her stamina. Nevertheless, she went through it.  She decided to write an article on it. This is lifeline of Mumbai after all, seeing people rushing to their work, ladies who are train friends talking as they are sisters. Small things she observed while riding it. Chaatic but something beautiful about it. Yes an article dedicated to Mumbai lifeline and its passengers.

Aryan had called her to tell her he will pick her but she rejected it. He called her stupid stubborn chasmish "Why you being ultra caring?" Imlie asked

"Because i am angry at you but you still my best friend and also wife. I always cared for you Imlie" he said with annoyance for asking such dumb question.

"So do I Aryan. But tumhara gussa abhi tak nai gaya, chorde na us baat ko" she grumbled.

"Tu chod rahi apni zid? Train se ana jana tujhe? Kuch hogaya to tujhe? I have heard so many incidents, god forbid kuch hogaya to tumhe!!" His tone was mad but laced with concern, shocking Imlie as nobody actually cared for her except her mother.

"Dont scold me!!!! " Imlie snapped at him.
"Shut up! You will drive my other car to work tomorrow" he decided

"No!!!! I will not drive your car!! Thats your car, if i want to drive i will only in my own earned car"

"You know how idiotic you sound right now? What is my car your car?"he asked
"Exactly what i told you it means. Plus my car is at Malini's and am not going there ever. I am sure she must have already damaged it somehow. Until then am going in train jab tak i dont buy my own car again"

"Chasmish!!! You are stubborn!!"
"So are you!!!! You not letting go of my mistake!!"
"Bhad mein ja tu" Aryan snapped and cut the phone.

"Tum bhi" she muttered. But somewhere she felt little flutter when he said he cares about her. Of course her only friend would care but never thought to hear it would be even so heart warming.

She actually came bruised home, but prayed he didnt notice it. Relatives were gone , it was them and the house helps. The cook asked her what she needs for dinner but she dismissed the cook for good. She felt bad but she let him go. She loves cooking and she will cook food no matter what. She quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and went to kitchen.First she got familiar with where everything was.

"Mahesh!! Imlie aa gai ho to puchlena what she wants for dinner" Aryan called out but Imlie ignored and continued chopping vegetables. She was going to make aloo matar today, roti and dal chawal. She made extra for tiffin tomorrow.

When she was setting the table, Aryan came downstairs. "What you doing?" He asked curiously.

"Setting the table to eat. I am hungry i dont know about you. By the way i dont want cooks. I will cook food from now on" She went in to grab the rotis.

Aryan didnt say anything suprising Imlie, he sat quietly and started eating. Imlie looked at him for any comments but he didng say anything and finished the food.

He got up taking his plate , "Good decision. Loved the food" he said and went to kitchen .
Imlie was done too, she started clearing the table when Aryan came and helped her. She smiled that he isnt actually arrogant businessman. He is helping and that is big thing for Imlie. He isnt spoiled rich brat like her sister atleast.

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