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I hate that your popular, I whined in the car. It's not my fault, Yeonjun said. I just had a simple what you would call glow up. He said as he fixed his hair in the review mirror. These kids didn't care about you when you were ugly, I spotted out.

He held his heart. Why must you be so mean to your one and only brother, he fake cried. I turned to face him as I punched his shoulder. Toughen up popular boy I don't think they'll like to see you cry, I said.

If I did they'll only love it, he said. This place is weird I really hope they don't know your my brother, I said. Would it be that bad, Yeonjun said. Yes cause then making friends will be harder, I stated. Would they hang out with me for you or cause they really like me.

I picked my bag up from the ground as we pulled into school. I'm sorry you feel that way, Yeonjun said. I don't want to effect your first day. Dont worry about it just stay you and you know instead of being a Playboy settle down, I said sarcastically.

Oh now my relationships are being brought up, he said! Know what forget the afternoon coffee, he said. Wait no I'm sorry bro, I said. He ruffled my hair as he grabbed his own bag. Well welcome to highschool little one have fun, he said as he hopped out the car.

Soon almost everyone head turned. Facing his direction. Then I opened my door to leave. I didn't like the attention it'd like they all knew me.

Is that oppa's little brother, a girl asked. I think so he's so cute, another one said.

He hasn't even walked in yet and already has the attention, a guy said. Don't worry about it don't you have a girl, the friend said.

He seems so short compared to his brother. Maybe he's shy.

All the talk made me cringe. Shy and small? I'm 5'9 my brother is 6'0 what is small to them, I asked myself. If anything I'm decent height maybe a little taller for a sophomore. And also I'm not shy.

Well maybe when we first meet but I'm definitely not shy. There weird, I said to Yeonjun. Yea I know, he whispered. Pretty soon w group of kids rushed up to us tackling my brother.

Holy shit it's to early for this, he said as he pushed them off. Sorry but we had to, one of them said. Whatever help me up yoongs, he asked. I stared at him in the ground. Oh your definitely not getting coffee later, he said getting up himself.

Is this the younger brother, one asked. Of course it is hey Yoongi, Soobin said. Hi Soobin, I said. How do you know him, one asked. As you forget Yeonjun is my childhood friend I'm bound to know his brother, he said.

They rolled there eyes. Hey I'm hueningkai but call me Kai for short, he said. I'm beomgyu but call me gyu, the other guy said. I have a brother your age but he rather be dead than seen with me, gyu said.

Don't blame him you baby him so much, Soobin said. I'm sorry he's just my baby brother, gyu said. See, Yeonjun said. I don't baby yoongi so he doesn't mind being seen with me, Yeonjun said.

He held my shoulder as I removed it and started to walk away. Where you going yoongs, he asked? To find my teachers and locker, I said. Ok have fun, he yelled! I'll try, I whispered.

Walking in was something new. I've been homeschool my whole life. Reason is I was a sick child a needed to stay home for safety and doctor appointments. I gotten better years ago but they thought homeschool would still be nice.

So to know what real school was like I would listen to my brother stories and sometimes go to sport games with him. But freshman year for me I really wanted to go to school. I begged daily to have my parent let me go.

He decided to finish my freshman year online but sophomore I would go to normal school. I will say I am excited but nervous. Excited cause I'm in school for the first time in a long time. And nervous cause we'll everyone knows me already.

If you couldn't tell my older brother Yeonjun most popular kid ever. He had what they call a glow up now everyone adores him. He knew his looks only got him popular so he stayed pretty humble thankfully.

Plus he doesn't want to set a bad example on me.

I walk the halls as people gushed over me. I just wanted to find my locker. I ended up doing so and wrote the lock number and combination in my phone. I took my backpack off and grabbed my tote from it putting my items into it.

Just then another kid popped up infront of me. Oh hey I'm this one is my locker, he said. I looked up. That can't be possible, I said. It is see, he said showing me his paper. I blinked twice as I searched for mine.

Same number, I said. Oh the school must have messed up then, the guy said. Do you just wanna share it, I asked? His face then lit up. Yea that would work thanks, he said as he took his backpack off.

I'm Taehyun by the way, he said. I'm yoongi, I said. Choi yoongi, he asked looking up. Uh yes, I said. Oh I've heard about you through my brother and his friends, he said. Who's your brother, I asked. Beomgyu, he said.

Oh your his little brother, I said he mentioned you. When does he never, Taehyun said l with a chuckle. So your the brother of the popular kid, he said. Yea I guess, I said. That must be something my brother semi popular so unwanted attention does come and go.

But sadly for you it most likely won't, he said standing back up. Let's stick together since we have a similar circumstance and plus you seem cool way cooler than your brother, he said. Sure I don't mind and my brother not cool to you, I said.

I mean I've met him a couple times he's a nice person very nice but seems kinda not himself at least at school, Taehyun said.

The warning bell rung. What class do you got, Taehyun asked. Math, I said. Same,  Keith, he asked? Yep, I said. Cool we got homeroom together let's go, he said. So is this your first year here, he asked. Yea I haven't been to school since I was in elementary, I said.

Homeschool? Yea, I said. Wow brave soul I could never. Walking the halls was kinda nerve wracking cause all the could do was talk about me.

He's so cute I can totally see how he's Yeonjun-hyung younger brother.

He seems to have already made friends with the other popular ones brother.

Hopefully he's nice like Yeonjun.

We arrived in class and I was welcome by my teacher. Oh you must be Choi yoongi, Mr. Keith said. I taught your brother he was an outstanding student, he said. I've heard, I said.

Please take a seat, Mr. Keith said. Oh welcome Taehyun, he said with a smile. We sat in the middle of the room. He seems nice, I said. Thank your brother he basically gave you a easy way to win teachers hearts, Taehyun said.

I gotta say for a homeschool kid you must be really smart, he said. How so, I asked? Well this is the top honors class and looking at your schedule your in all of them, he said. Same as you, I said. My parents signed me up for it since my brother always hyped me up on how smart I was, he said.

Your brother seems to really adore you, I said with a slight chuckle. He does and I guess I could say same, he said quietly. I just wish he wasn't so open about it, its emmbaressing, he whined.

I laughed some more. My brother really cares about me but sometimes I guess I shrug it off, I said. He probably gets on your nerves, he said. Daily, I said. One time I told him to wake me up for the last episode of our favorite TV show.

Tell me why he called Soobin first to wake up before me even when I was in the room across from him, I whined.

Taehyun started to laugh. No what I remember that cause my brother almost cried that no one woke him up, he said.

We continue to talk more until the last bell rung and the teacher closed the door.

Alright class welcome to math let's start with some ice breakers, he said. Everyone groaned. I know your like 15-16 still doing these trust me I hate em to, he said. Everyone was less tense through his calm nature.

To make it better though I made it paper work only and if you want to go around and introduce yourself go in ahead, he said. Wow this teacher nice, I said.

Alot of the teachers here are thankful, Taehyun said.

I sat back and smiled to myself. That's u til I saw everyone stand up and walk to me.

Damn it, I thought to myself.

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