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I was looking through my room cause I was missing something. Something that was hard to purchase. I guess I was making a lot of noise cause Namjoon walked in.

Yoongi what's going on, he asked? I'm missing something, I said. I was now flipping my mattress up and my rug. What are you missing, he asked?

My cigs there gone, I said. And it's been two days now I need them, I said. Maybe them disappearing would be a good thing, Namjoon said.

Not funny right now Joon, I said. I'm just saying I don't want you becoming addicted and the way your turning your room upside down is showing that you are, he said.

When he said that I sat in the middle of my now messy room as he looked down at me. Did you throw them away and be honest please if you really just wanted me to stop just say so, I said.

He didn't, Yeonjun said. I did. My eyes widen. Why were you in my room, I said?

I saw you the other night through my window. You think I was just gonna allow that, he said? Yoongi you know drugs are bad for you and the history with them. And your acting like a fool right now destroying your room to what destroy your body again, he said.

And Namjoon why didn't you stop him before if you really loved him you would have known what's best for him, Yeonjun said. I don't want this to ruin what were getting back from you.

But I'm not just gonna sit back and watch you do that, he said. He then walked away and back to his room leaving us in there.

I felt disgusted. I didn't know if it was cause of the withdrawals or how I felt at the moment. I then got up grabbed my wallet and made my way downstairs.

Yoongi where are you going, Namjoon asked? To get it back, I said. Yoongi no, he said. I think Yeonjun has a point. You really want to continue habits that we know won't end well, Namjoon said.

And what if what if it effects your kidneys or so or even lungs, he said. You'll be back in the hospital you hate being in having to do everything all over again.

And if that doesn't change your mind think about how your father will react if he finds out. He quit everything he did just for you to turn around and follow his footsteps, Namjoon said.

Do you want that? Do you want to bring back something to him that he worked hard on getting away from to give you and Yeonjun a better life, Namjoon asked?

I stood at my door way as he spoke. He was right. I was acting irrationally and was only doing myself and others more harm. I turned around and just held him.

You rethinking about it now, he asked? I shook my head. Yeah, I whispered. Good, he said. I only say that cause I love you and I want best for you, he said. Me and your family.

I shook my head. Did I really rely on it to much, I asked? Well, he said as he looked over my room. It was completely trashed.

I think it was becoming a problem, he said. But it's a problem we can fix, he said. He then walked out my room and came back with a bag of candy. Here a lolly and it's heart shaped to, he said.

I know they say those are supposed to help but how do lollypops even work, I whined. To be honest I don't even know myself but they obviously do with some people, Namjoon said.

Give it a try, he said. I took it from his hand and pop it in. Taste like cherry, I said.

He gave me a kiss on the corner of my mouth. Maybe your kisses will taste better then, he joked. What was wrong with them before, I asked?

It was always rotten, he said. Oh my bad I wish you told me sooner maybe that would have convince me sooner, I said. He laughed as he looked over my room once more. Let's get this cleaned, he said.

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