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When arriving in school we saw music boxes out in front blasting popular songs on billboard. Cheer team outside doing there thing and even teachers welcoming everyone.

Woah, I said. Spirit week without the week though, Yeonjun said as we got out the car.

Everyone had there PJ,'s on everyone looking at me and my brothers matching ones.

Before we could walk in a bunch of people from yearbook club stoped us. Hello, they said. Hi, Yeonjun said. What's up does anyone need help or so?

No we're taking pictures for the pj party day and we want y'all to be the front cover, she said. And with y'all adorable onesie and being the biggest brothers in the building it will definitely help us sell more, the other said.

So were you marketing, I asked? Yeonjun hit my side.

So will y'all, she asked?

Of course tell us where, Yeonjun said. Over here near the school statue.

As we were brought over more of our friends found us. Yeonjun held my head as I looked displeased for the picture.

Awe thank you, they said. No problem, Yeonjun said. Just then Soobin walked over. Look at you, he said as he wrapped his arm around Yeonjun.

I then got up to meet up with my friends. Ooo perfect the perfect duo, one said. Here take a selfie for the yearbook, the girl said.

Ok then wait before you do, Soobin said.

He leaned in and whispered something in my brother ear. Yeonjun laughed as he shook his head. Ok we're ready now, she said.

3.2.1, she took the picture. But when she did she got a snapshot of them kissing.

Everyone face was blank. You got it, Yeonjun asked! Y-yes. I did, she screamed!

Just then everyone started squealing and talking. Yeonjun-hyung and Soobin-hyung their dating, someone yelled! This is going to the school page, one of the editors said.

Everyone was talking and questioning and as Soobin stayed calmed. Yeonjun slowly started to get anxious.

Soobin looked over at Yeonjun and notice he was uncomfortable.

Soobin then got up and made something up. Sorry to leave but someone from the committee needed us this morning we'll catch y'all later, he said. Everyone then made a way for them to walk away.

When they step foot in I walked up to my brother. And so did some other of our friends. Where's an empty room, I asked. Music class, Jimin said.

We rushed to the music hall and closed the door behind us. Oh morning kids what's wrong, Mr. Sin asked?

Yeonjun he's having a bit of a panic attack, Soobin said. Hey hey you ok, I asked. Yea I am, he said quietly.

I just got nervous and didn't expect everything to happen at once, he said. We're people judging I couldn't tell I zoned out, he asked?

No no not at all infact they were supportive, Soobin said. You have nothing to worry about they love you ok, Soobin said. I don't care if they do or not, Yeonjun said. I just don't wanna be shunned, he said.

Trust me your not ok, Soobin said. He then gave him a kiss and hugged him.

You good now, Jimin asked? Yes I will be, he said. Didn't expect coming out to be hard, he said. How did you handle it yoongs, he asked? Easy I don't have to everyone already knew, I chuckled. Everyone else started to laugh.

Just then Taehyun and Namjoon walked in. Hey guys, Taehyun said! Hey, Jimin said.

Beomgyu just told us what happened he saw from the back, Namjoon asked. You good Yeonjun? I will be I feel better, he said getting up. The door opened again.

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