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And that's what happened, Yeonjun told me as we got ready in the morning for school.

Oh my god that's the cutest thing ever, I yelled! I cont believe it I'm so happy for you!

Thank you, he said. Maybe that game of T or D wasn't so bad, he said combing his hair.

At least something good came out of it for you and maybe me too, I said. What was your good, he asked.

I have brother who I can come to to talk about boys and stuff, I said. We can finally have those conversations without you going all straight boy on me, I said.

I'm still adjusting to the fact I like boys yoongi, he said. Years of self isolation won't undo itself in a day, he said. Your right, I said.

So if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here and so is Soobin, I said. He smiled as he put his shirt on.

No what let's get some coffee before class, he said. Yes, I said!

We walked down the stairs to see our dad cooking breakfast. This morning is getting better dad's cooking, I said sitting in the kitchen.

What else happened this morning, he asked. Have you told him yet, I said.

No not yet I was going to, Yeonjun said. But I got home late remember. Oh yea, I said.

What time did you get home, father asked? Around 1 or 2 am, Yeonjun said.

My god what were you doing, he asked. Tell him tell him, I said fanboying.

My god you sound more hyped about this than me, Yeonjun said. I've been waiting for this for four years of course I am, I said.

Ooo what happened Yeonjun, he asked. Well one thing I guess I should say is dad I'm bi, he said.

He looked at Yeonjun. Really, he asked? Yes really, he said. Well then congrats, he said. Who's the lucky boy who made you realize that?

That's another thing I was out with Soobin the whole night on a sort a like date, he said. Father face lit up. Really, he yelled! I knew that boy liked you and I had little hopes you did too, he said.

I feel like everyone but me at first did, Yeonjun said.

Anyways we talked at the hill then got food and snuck into some park which yes is illegal but I bet if we didn't I wouldn't have had my first kiss, Yeonjun said.

I then choked on my juice. Wait y'all kissed, yelled! Oh yes I forgot to tell you that, Yeonjun said. Oh my god my son has his first kiss, father said!

Oh y'all grow up so fast yoongi's bad flirting and your first kiss your growing up on me, he faked cried. It wasn't flirting I was telling him goodbye, I whined.

Yeonjun had his first kiss how was it, I asked?

Yeonjun face went pure red as he cover his face. Awe, we both said. Well sit down eat up ok I'm sure your probably tried still so get some good energy, father said.

We ate breakfast and cleaned up. We hugged father goodbye and got on our way to get coffee.

How could you leave out that important detail, I said!?

I don't know, Yeonjun said. It's not every day I tell you about crush stuff or so you never even done so with me, Yeonjun said.

I haven't been anywhere to do so the fact I have social skills to talk to people is still shocking, I said.

True but you always adapted, Yeonjun said.

So who kissed first you or him, I said. Oh God yoongi, he whined. Tell me, I said. He did ok happy, he said.

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