99 pt. 1

15 0 0

Their senior year, wedding, and finally getting a child!!


Yoongs stay still, Yeonjun said! Hurry up I'm gonna be late, I said. I'm trying but hair dying takes a minute, he said. Ugh why did I allow you to do this hours before prom what if you mess up, I said.

Just shh and let me work my magic, he said. Be greatful I came down here for your prom I have a exam in two days and I should be studying, he said. I rolled my eyes.

A while late he finished up and he began to lint roll my suit. Yeonjun don't you think that's a bit much, I asked? He looked at me. This your your senior prom it HAS to be perfect, he said.

He then sighed. I remember mine. It was the best day of my life most memorable too, he said. Why cause you lost your virginity that day too, I joked.

He rolled his eyes. Not just that but prom is a special night that truly lets you know your closer to adulthood now, he said. He then handed me the suit.

I still can't believe your company has this hand made for you as a gift, he said. I know right I showed Joonie cause he wanted to match with me the best he could, I said.

Hurry go put it on, he said! I walked back in my bathroom to put it on and once I was done I walked back out.

He looked up from his phone and held his face. Oh my god yoongi, he said. I know I said I wouldn't cry but I think I'm gonna, he said! Jinnie no, I said.

I know I know, he said wiping his eyes. He then looked at me and smiled. You look amazing, he said. I smiled. Thank you, I said. Go see if Joonie is done so we can get photos for Appa, I said.

He rushed out the room to go check then came back with a thumbs up. He's gonna be downstairs, Yeonjun said! I'm gonna take plenty of photos for Soobin though, he said.

Why didn't he come to, I asked? He's in a business class 24/7 I barely see him myself anymore I don't know why he even chose that class, he said.

Let's go, he said grabbing my hand. We walked downstairs as appa of course was getting his camera ready.

When I looked over I saw Joon standing by then door. His eyes lit up when he saw me. So did mine when I walked over to hug him.

You look so cute, I said. So do you, he said. I can't believe they said red wouldn't match you it does so well, he said touching my hair.

I then looked at his suit. We were able to match, I said! Yoongi you look so good, Appa cried. Ah not you too, I said. What did Yeonjun cry, Join asked? Surprisingly yes, I said.

After the photos we had a bit more time to waste so me and Namjoon sat outside the back for a while with each other. You ready, he asked?

Well of course, I said! I've waited since sophomore year for this, I said! Plus I get to go with you is a plus, I said. He smiled.

Hours later we arrived there and had a lot of fun. And surprise surprise me and Joon won prom kings. Our friends cheered very loudly. We did our first slow dance then continue the rest of the night.

Me and Joonie left early to ride around the city all night. We hit up a burger joint and ate in the trunk of the car.

Best prom day ever, he said! Definitely, I said! Cheers to my incredibly talented and handsome king, he said.

I smiled as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Your the sweetest Namjoon, I said. I love you. I love you, he said. There's a nice bar area over here, I said. Tonight's seniors night but they don't mind you get ages in.

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