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It's been twenty minutes me and a few others are almost at the end it's just a matter of when. We swam, jumped, wrestled, and more.

To be honest I'm surprised I'm in lead. It was also a bit emmbaressing since this is being filmed on the reporting drone.

It was following me and a few others.

The others were a bunch of random kids and Lisa.

The last obstacle was here. The short steep stairs we had to climb. It was layered in lots of soap. Dish soap.

Great, I said under my breath. Scared your gonna lose, Lisa said beside me. I looked around and it was only us.

We were the last two who made it. If I made it this far why not try harder.

Nope, I said.

We both ran for the stairs and try the first step but fell on our backs. Shit, she said.

We tried and climb it one at a time but one of us always fell. Soon we heard the announcer. 

This is a tied match, Soobin said. Who's gonna win this. The most talented girl or the most famous boy, he said. I bet everyone exited.

After a while we were doing good with climbing. It was hard but we were making it.

Five steps away, she said. I guess, I said as I reached for the next. Just and I grabbed the next one I slipped but caught myself.

She looked down a smiled. Till next time yoongi, she said. I looked up. I could have quit now and left it at that second place isn't bad but I was so close was I gonna give up now, I thought.

Yeonjun wouldn't have want me to he would want to to try my hardest till the very end. And thats what I would do.

Even though I was soaked head to toe. My hair stuck to my face. Clothes stuck onto me. And i was hella tired.

I looked up and saw she was getting closer to the top but then she slipped.

I started to climb. I wasn't going as fast but it was enough to reach her and past her. She caught up to and we both reached the top. We looked around for a white sheet. We both saw and and rushed for it.

Unlucky for her she slipped on the soapy water. Which meant.

I grabbed the flag and waved it up high. Lisa sat up. Good job, she said.

And theirs our winner, Soobin yelled through the mic. Give it up for Choi Yoongi!

The drone was now above me. I was smiling as I showed the flag and everyone cheered for me. I could see Yeonjun jumping and screaming at me. My friends cheering and others.

I got back down from the slide on the side and that's when everyone ran up to me.

Before I knew it I was on top of the crowd as the cheered my name and cheered me on.

Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi, they cheered!

I looked over at my tent and saw my friends cheering for me. The principal walked up and handed me a medal. I looked back over to them and raised it up and showed a huge smile.

The crowd of course was still around me but I wasn't gonna be upset this time. I was gonna take in this moment.


I finally made it back to the tent. I had a single hand cloth with me. I was still soaked though.

Holy shit you actually won't that, Jimin said pulling me in a hug!

We're so proud of you, Yeonjun cheered hugging me! Wow you are wet, he said. We gotta get you back into your normal clothes.

Yea, I said. I took the towel and tried to dry my hair but it came to a stringy mess.

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