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The ride home was silent and akaward. When we got home Appa talked to his parents as we all went upstairs. Today was just so weird, Yeonjun said.

Nothing made since not even the conversations. Felt like it was all staged or planned, I said. I hope they leave soon it was just akaward.

And there really rude, I said. They were basically calling you slurs left and right, I said. I know right, he said! Now you see why I said you were single, he said.

But you had to ruin that, he said. Don't kiss your boyfriend cause you have homophobic grandparents you don't really care about, I said? I- good point, he said.

Yeonjun went through his drawer looking for a new shirt. Here Soobin put this on, Yeonjun said. Soobin changed into the older looking shirt as we walked into his bathroom. Sit there, Yeonjun said pointing at the toilet.

He sat on the toilet as I sat on the run beside Namjoon.

Say goodbye to your natural brown, Yeonjun said opening the box. Soobin faked cried as he gripped his hair. Let's go, he said.

I have to bleach it first, Yeonjun said. Wait Namjoon did you ever buy your hair dye, Yeonjun said looking in the bag.

I did, he said. Ok let's see what color you got, he said.

Just then he took out a blonde and pink dye box. Huh, Yeonjun said? Uh I didn't really know what to get so I got those and if you have left over blue from Soobin some do the too, he said.

Anyway you want it, Yeonjun asked? Uh surprise me, he said. Bet, he said. Let me finish mixing this and applying it and your next, he said.

After a few minutes he's was parting soobin's hair half way done bleaching. A hour went by and his hair was now bleached waiting for the color to get out.

Alright Namjoon your turn, he said! He opened the box and took the mixture out. Before he could even start we heard yelling from downstairs.

What the, I said. I got up to go downstairs as well as Yeonjun and when we did we saw appa and his parents fighting while Jackson tried to get them to stop. We watched from the stairwell.

This so too much Jin, she said! First your children and now you we tried to be more open minded but now this is just too much, she said!

You rubbed this onto your kids and now look at them, grandpa said!

Nothing is fucking wrong with them how many times do I have to get that into your small minded minds, appa yelled!

I just can't, she said. We thought you would get better as you grew up but your still that dumb reckless teenager from before. Your not a good parent or even a good person.

Filing a restraining order on your wife-

Ex wife, he said. Still, grandpa said! We're disappointed on how you lead your life, she said. Your ruined your life and possibly your kids.

Appa stood quite as those words soaked in. We can't be here no more this visit was a mistake, Grandma said. You had eighteen years Seokjin, he said. What have you been doing.

His best, Jackson said. Who are you to speak, he said. No I should be asking that, Jackson said. You come into his house and disrespected him like that calling him a failure and shit.

Look who raised him the biggest failure of parents I've ever seen. Jin has done more in 18 years for these kids than you even done for him in the last 32.

To come here and even disrespect these kids to, he said. Nothing is wrong with them. These are the smartest most intelligent kids I've ever seen with such bright futures. An upcoming model and future singer and dancer.

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