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Gym is the worst thing to ever be made, Taehyun said while running! Tell me about it, Namjoon said. Taehyung why aren't you running with us!

Cause I don't have to, he said as he sat on the ground watching us. That's totally not fair, I said as I sat down as well.

I was very out of breath and very very tired. So tired I actually started to drift of while laying in the ground. Yoongs, Taehyun yelled! Huh, I said! Did you hear Taehyung, he asked?

No I'm sorry I guess I was sleep what happened, I asked? Over the weekend the move was happening and today everything has been finished, Namjoon said.

Move? Oh! It's the end of January already, I yelled! Yoongi it's February second, Taehyung said. My eyes widen. Damn where did time go, I said.

Up your ass, Taehyung said. Haha so funny, I said. After class it was time for music.

But I was tired to even do that. During the free time I slept even while people where playing around with the new instruments in the room.

This is the second time he's fell asleep, Taehyung said. Is he that tired? He's been mad quite to, Taehyun said. Yeonjun what's up with that?

Don't ask me that's not my business, he said. Namjoon you have a clue, Hoseok asked? Probably but I'm not fully sure, he said.

Does anyone know what his deal is, Taehyun asked? What are you talking about, I mumbled as I raised my head.

Yikes that hair, Kai said. I pushed my hair done best I could do. Welcome back yoongi I don't know if you heard but I got new instruments for the room, Sin said!

There's guitars, a piano, a keyboard, and sum other hands on stuff, he said. I looked around and sure enough there was.

That's pretty cool, I said. I then laid my head back done barely able to keep eyes open. He's probably just having one of those days don't we all, Jungkook said trying to uplift everyone.

Everyone agreed going back to there usual. I felt a tapping on my shoulder and saw Mr. sin. He left a paper beside me and when I read it read I could stay back from lunch if I wanted.

And I would plan on it.

Once everyone left he closed the door and sat infront of me. Yoongi, he said tapping me. I woke up again as I faced him.

Mind telling me what's up today, he said. I was pretty surprised when you didn't go rushing to the new equipment and everyone says you been distant and sleeping a lot, he said.

Wanna tell me what's going on. I promise what's said in the room stays in the room only. Not even Jimin will know, he chuckled. I chuckled as well.

I then sighed. Me and Joon are taking a break, I said. His eyes widen. Wow really, he said. I nodded my head. Was something wrong, he asked?

Yeah me, I said. He overheard me talking to my appa about how I didn't really know if I was ready for the way our relationship was moving and I've realized I've felt that way with my friends as well.

I talked to Jimin about it and he's says that I maybe just need space from everyone to get myself together. Being the non knowing person I am I tried looking it up.

But upon doing so I read that on breaks they tend to see other people or try to move on and it had me scared last night.

I know I hurt him and the thought of him to move on over time hurts. I still want him but I just can't keep up, I said. With anything.

Mr. Sin had a sad expression when listening to me. Your definitely the last kid I would want to go through something like this, he said. I'm sorry for you and Namjoon's break and I'm sorry that you feel disconnected from everyone else.

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