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The food is so good Yoongi, Beomgyu yelled! Seriously this is amazing, Taehyun said. Thank you, I said. When is your father or Jackson supposed to be home, Hoseok asked?

He's working late hours right now for a custody case for a family still, I said. Trail is tonight so it's a stressful day for him, I said. And Jackson has to get all paper work finalized after trail so he's in the room as well.

I find it so cool how your appa and Jackson are lawyers that must be extremely cool to hear about the cases they do, Hoseok said.

It is, Yeonjun said. I remember a year ago appa had the worst case ever though. There was a missing teen and turns out one of the parents had something to do about it.

Thing was one was in a different house and the other had there teen living at there friends house.

So it took a while until they figured out who did it turns out it was the mom, he said. Woah, Taehyun said.

That's a extremely sad case, Soobin said. It really was it tore our appa up mentally and he had to get therapy for a while after it, Yeonjun said.

That's extremely heartbreaking I hope he's doing better now, Taehyung said. Took a few months but now he's back to be the lawyer everyone loves, I said.

Traumatizing events can really hard, Kai said. Extremely but I guess it's a way of life, Hoseok said.

Mines would have to be when me and my family were homeless for a while, Hobi said. You were homeless before, Beomgyu asked? Yeah I was until I was 14 years old, he said.

We lost our home when I was 4 cause of lack of money, he said. Then we lived in a car for a while. A long while. I was homeschool then and it was hard.

My father got a job at a company and he worked hard day and night. He ended up working so well he became Co. CEO and made alot of money for support us.

Then my mom works as an assistant now. We became very very wealthy after a few year, he said.

Bounce back and here we are, Hoseok said. Oh my god hobi I'm so extremely sorry I'm really glad y'all are way better now, I said. Same but it's a life lesson in a way. Don't take things for granted and appreciate what you have.

We all nodded our head.

A traumatic experience for me would have to be seeing my mom walk out my life, Yeonjun said. It was years ago but it still sticks and stays mentally, he said.

It's ok that it does Yeonjun it was something the affected you, Kai said. He nodded his head.

I was stood up once and emmbaressed infront of everyone from it, Beomgyu said. I asked a crush out and she told me to meet her at the restaurant.

I was dressed up ready to go on a date with my first crush but then I waited there for hours no one showed up. Turns out one of her friends was recording me and they posted it on the school wide page.

Me standing there and even me crying from realizing I was stood up. The comments were worse saying no one would go out with me cause I wasnt attractive, he said.

This was freshman year. And being a senior now and being friends with people like Yeonjun, Soobin, and Kai gained me popularity but that's all they see in me.

The person I took to the dance only went with me cause of my status. So I'm not dating anymore or crushing I don't think I can hold that type of feeling to anyone after that, he said.

Yeonjun out his arm around Beomgyu comforting him. Hey it's ok now, Yeonjun said. Relationships aren't for everyone but those two people aren't worth your feelings.

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