Chapter 1 - Late

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"You know, you don't have to go if you're not feeling up for it."

"Of course I have to go, it's my best friend's engagement party, and I'm his maid of honour."

"He's right, baby, if you're too unwell..."

"I'm fine." I insisted as I worked the potion through my hair with a comb, admiring myself in the mirror as my black curls sat perfectly on my shoulders. I'd chopped a huge chunk off of my hair, taken to it with the scissors as soon as I'd gotten back to the flat after the Battle of Hogwarts, and it now sat just below my collarbones - which was the shortest I'd ever had it. "Can someone zip me up instead of encouraging me to ditch my bestie?"

I heard a chuckle behind me, and Fred's hands landed on me, tracing up my sides, and slowly tugging at the zip on my short, floral summer dress. I made to put on my lip balm, but George appeared at my other side, taking it from me with a cheeky grin.

I raised an eyebrow at him, and the redhead said, with a hint of seduction in his voice, "Let me."

I tried to keep myself composed as Fred's hands remained on me, and as George scooped a tiny amount of balm onto his thumb and brought it up to my lips, gently but firmly smearing it across my top, then bottom lip. I gazed at his face as his eyes fixated on my lips, his warm chocolate eyes, the concentration in them.

Those eyes then glanced up to mine, and crinkled as he smiled. Fuck. I leaned in ever so slightly, sucking his thumb in between my lips, and flicked my tongue over it. His eyes widened.

"Princess..." George said in a strangled voice.

"What's she doing now?" Fred said in an amused voice behind me.

"Using her... her talented tongue." George's eyes didn't move from mine.

"And you can't keep it in your pants, can you?" Fred appeared in my vision, nodding down at George's crotch, smirking. His hands ran across my ass, down to the end of my dress, and his fingers toyed with the hem.

"It's not my fault she's so..." George breathed, gazing down at my lips again, "fucking... hot..."

I let his thumb go, giggling. "C'mon, guys, I'm just messing around. We're gonna be late."

I made to turn around, but Fred tugged at the hem of my dress, and George groaned in frustration.

I glanced back at the two, my eyebrows raised again. Fred was grinning mischievously at me, and George was biting his lip, looking anywhere but at me.

"Are you sure, baby girl? Not even just a quickie?"

"Fred, it's not that I don't want to," I said, my eyes drifting down his body, then George's, taking in their summer button-ups, the top buttons undone as usual, their gelled and tousled flaming hair, their tight-fitting jeans... "it's that we're gonna be late if we don't leave now."

"Well." Fred shrugged, letting go of me. "If that's what you want."

"I'll give you one - ONE - kiss, then we're leaving." I told him firmly, and leaned in.

Our lips connected, and Fred's hands snaked back around me, pulling me in close to him. His warm lips slid smoothly over mine, and I let out a breathy moan into his mouth as his tongue teased at my bottom lip.

"Mm. You taste good." Fred smacked his lips as we pulled apart, and I laughed.

"It's lip balm, dummy. C'mon - oh, sorry, Georgie, I didn't give you one -"

I planted my lips on George's, and I was pressed up close to him, feeling and trying to ignore his bulge against me. But then Fred's hands were brushing my hair away from my neck, and his mouth was on my skin, sucking softly.

Daisy Potter and the Wedding (Book 8, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now