Chapter 8 - House on the Hill

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"Right, everyone, we'll be off." Fred announced to the kitchen as we reached the back door. Everyone inside turned to look at us, and Mrs Weasley frowned.

"Already? I thought we were all going to Diagon Alley together to get your school things."

"Shit. True. We did promise them." I muttered to the boys.

"I thought you were going back to the flat after we'd all been shopping?" Mrs Weasley said. "I didn't think you'd all want to abandon us so soon."

"Ah, fine, enough with the guilt tripping, Mother." George said, then added to Fred, Terry, and I quietly, "We'll go after she's released us from her clutches."

"Are you sure?" Terry said, sending a quick glance sideways at me. "Is it not urgent?"

"He's been stalking me for the past month and a half, I'm sure I'll be fine for another few hours." I said.

"Only if you're sure, baby. We can always tell her no." Fred said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"There's no telling that woman no."

The twins nodded thoughtfully, everyone looking back towards the rest of the family, who were all bustling around getting their bags and money.


The Ministry had started simping for me after the Battle of Hogwarts, so we were provided with Ministry cars basically any time we requested them. Terry and I made use of this to a ridiculous degree, hitting them up any time we wanted a lift down the street or to Soho late at night. One of the benefits of living in London was that the best nightlife was nearby; Terry and I had the time of our lives the past several weeks, and the twins sometimes joined us - it was amusing to see how jealous and possessive they got if anybody tried to hit on me.

And now the cars were giving us a lift to Diagon Alley. We all managed to squeeze into three cars, and I had to awkwardly stare in between Mr and Mrs Weasley's heads as they faced me, opposite to me and the twins, who were sitting on either side of me, pressed in very, very tight to me...

"Thank Godric that's over." I said as we all stumbled out of the car. It was supposed to have been a nearly four-hour journey, but it was completed in one. I'd learned not to question magic, though. Especially not when it worked in my favour.

"Yes, thank Godric indeed." Mr Weasley said, passing a hand over his forehead.

"Naturally." Harry and I chorused.

I felt Mrs Weasley's eyes on us the whole way down the street as Fred and George strode on either side of me, each holding one of my hands. I could hear her hushed voice behind us, clearly trying not to let us hear but failing.

"I can't believe the little devils actually did that. Right after I'd just been in the room. And they'd left the door open, as well!"

"Oh, come on, Molly, they're hormonal young adults. I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose."

"Oh, they definitely did! I have no doubt! They made sure we could hear, all right."

"Still. They're adults. They're allowed to... um... be intimate."

"Not when I'm around to hear it! Those two little imps -"

"They're not little any more, Molly! Besides, maybe if you hadn't meddled and teased -"

"Don't you lecture me now on this!"

I glanced between the twins, giggling at the wicked smirks on their faces.

Halfway through the shopping, us Insurgents got bored; we'd been shopping down Diagon Alley too many times to count while living at the flat, and doing it for school supplies wasn't exactly the most exciting thing ever. We excused ourselves to go check on our shop, and as soon as we entered we received a warm welcome from our employees.

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