Chapter 15 - The Shop and the Tryouts

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"It's awesome that we get to spend the weekends at our cottage." Terry said brightly as we approached the Hogsmeade branch of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. "We get so many privileges compared to the rest of them. We're clearly McGonagall's favourite students."

"Or, maybe it's the fact that we saved the wizarding world?" George said. I eyed the way his black blazer was pushed back by his hands, which were stuffed in his trouser pockets, and my eyes moved down to stare at his toned stomach, only slightly visible due to the last two buttons of his purple WWW shirt being left unbuttoned and the shirt untucked...

"Or maybe that we're adults and Minnie can't lock us up anymore!" Fred laughed, and Terry sniggered.

"Nah, don't be silly. The rest of our year would be allowed out then. I think Hopper's right, McGonagall loves us." George said.

"I love us, too." I muttered, still watching the way George's shirt was riding up as we walked. I was momentarily distracted by George reaching a hand up to rub at the back of his neck; for some reason his cheeks had flushed red; then my eyes dropped to where they'd been before, and a shiver of excitement went through me at the brief sight of George's abs and the top of his boxers peeking out along his right hip.

"Everybody does, Softpaw." Fred slung an arm around my shoulders, making me jump and tear my eyes away. He was grinning at me, and my eyelids fluttered slightly as I smelt some incredibly sexy cologne off him. "Especially you. That's why you're so good for the brand." He raised an eyebrow down at my body. "Even if you're not wearing a uniform today."

"Hey, Hopper and I wanted a day off!" I protested. Terry nodded on the other side of me; we were both in our normal clothes, him in a tank top with a pink scarf and skinny jeans, me in a pink, strawberry-themed crop top and skirt co-ord. We looked iconic, and we knew it. "We don't want to be doing school five days a week and work the other two!"

"Fair enough." Fred shrugged. He lowered his voice. "Just as long as you remember who the boss is the whole seven days, regardless if you're working or not."

I beamed at him. "Yeah, I know."

Fred smirked, opening his mouth.

"It's Hopper."

Terry and I laughed loudly at the look on Fred's face, and my best friend took my hand, tugging me forward; the two of us skipped on ahead down the street, still giggling, leaving the twins trailing behind us.

"Afternoon, Miss Potter, Mr Boot." Luke greeted us as we swaggered in through the front door.

"You don't have to call us that when the twins aren't in earshot, Lukey." I said. "Only Fred thinks that employees should refer to their bosses like that."

Luke grinned, pushing his sandy hair out of his face with one hand. "Here they come, though."

"McVey, get back to work." Fred snapped as he and George entered the small shop.

"Right away, sir." Luke sent a wider grin at me and turned back to his stock cage.

"God, he's so fucking hot." Terry fanned himself as we followed the twins down the first aisle, glancing back at Luke. I mimicked him, knowing it would piss Fred off.

"Right? If I was single, the things I would let him do to me..." I sighed dreamily, and Terry shuddered next to me, pretending to swoon.

"Good thing you're not, then, eh?" Fred raised an eyebrow at me, taking my upper arm and pulling me along. "C'mon, keep up."

I sent a side-glance at Terry, who sent me back a tight-lipped smile; this was his signature 'I'm trying so hard not to laugh, please don't make me' smile. I was only too happy to ignore his wishes.

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