Chapter 11 - Little Miss

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"Guys, everyone's staring at us."

"No shit. Two months ago, we saved all their asses."

"I feel like every dude here is practically fucking drooling at Softpaw."

"Of course you'd feel like that, Red. You're the most jealous person I know."

I grinned at Terry's comment as we advanced along the platform at Nine and Three-Quarters, pushing our trunks on their wheels in front of us. Fred scowled at a sixth year who was ogling me, nudging his friends and snickering. George simply slung an arm casually around my shoulders, and a group of girls swooned, fanning themselves and sneaking pictures with their phones.

"I feel like we're celebrities." George said.

"That's because we are." I shrugged, giggling as Fred flipped another leering guy off.

"As much as I'm enjoying all this attention," Terry primped himself, sending his charming smile around at the crowd of awestruck people parting for us like the Red Sea, "I think we'd better get on the train before Red has an aneurism."

"You're right, he might straight up kill someone." George agreed, steering us towards the Hogwarts Express.

"Aw, c'mon, I really like being the centre of attention." I whined.

"We know, you self-absorbed bitch."


"What? Everyone knows it, Little Miss Attention Whore."

"Oh my GODRIC -"

Terry and I cut our bickering short as Mr and Mrs Weasley, Sirius, Emily, and Mr and Mrs Boot approached, extending their arms and enveloping us before we reached the doors.

"Write to us this year, will you?" Mrs Weasley said fondly, releasing me to move on to the twins.

"I know you're all adults now," Sirius said, grinning down at me, "but don't hesitate to ask for anything, alright? Anything at all."

"We're proud of you, son." Mr Boot told Terry, who beamed.

And after a last teary goodbye and reassurances that they'd all come up to visit the shop in Hogsmeade sometimes, the whistle for the train went off and the four of us had to climb on as it started moving.

We hung in the doorway as the train left the platform, waving as it rounded the corner and our families disappeared. The realisation that that was the last time I'd ever do that hit me, and I took a deep breath before turning to my friends.

"Hey, guys, this is where Hopper and I first met!"

Terry and I eyed the patch of corridor behind us fondly as the twins exchanged a glance.

"You've actually never told us how you two properly met, I'm just now realising." Fred said.

"Yeah, we've always just assumed you two met in class or something."

"Well," I smirked at Terry, who grinned back, "future Mr Malfoy here bumped into me -"

"Actually, YOU bumped into ME."

"No way. You weren't looking where you were going." I argued, turning back to the twins. "Anyway, I was so very rudely bumped into, and he started babbling about how sorry he was -"

"Did not!"

"Did too! And then he started stuttering and shit once we introduced ourselves. In fact, he stuttered quite a lot the whole way up to the school."

"I was just nervous at meeting new people -"

"It was because of my outstanding beauty." I tossed my hair over my shoulder. "You were so intimidated by me."

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