Chapter 33 - Who Knew That Getting High With Your Friends Leads To Orgies?

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My deepest most sincere apologies for the big break - uni hates me, I tried to unalive earlier this year, I have been in hospital, and my weak poly heart cannot decide between two incredibly hot people 💀 it's taking a lot out of me and I genuinely wish I could be daisy in this situation bc I'm pretty sure they're both monogamous and jealous af LMAO

Revision for NEWTs seemed to be easy for most people in my year, excluding the ones younger than us, seeing as we'd already went through the course last year. I was glad that I'd already went through all of this work before, because I was incredibly distracted in the run up to Easter.


"Will you..." Fred sighed again, his dimple showing as his sleepy smile widened. "Will you mmm... mmfphie me..."


"OOHHHH! Freddie!" Mrs Weasley's squeal interrupted George, making everyone look around. Fred was grinning sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh my - that's so exciting - George -"

"Oh shit, he's told her." George muttered.


"You're so special to me, you're my world." His fond smile got sweeter as he cupped my cheek. "Your cute little giggle does things to me. Makes me want to get on one knee right here and now, and make you ours forever."


"I don't think it matters where and when we do it. We could do it in the toilet for all I care. All that matters is that the moment's right. And that she says yes. Because she is my everything..."


"Daze...?" Fred mumbled lazily. I looked up. George was sleeping already, and Fred was already nearly passed out; they were so drunk.

"Yeah?" I replied softly.

"Did you mean it when you said that getting  married to the love of your life was all anyone wanted?"

"Yeah, 'course."

Fred's eyes crinkled as he smiled. "Good..."


Fred smiled back at me for a moment, his dimples doing things to my heart that I couldn't explain. "Godric, I wish I could just pr-"


"-opose a break from this shitty revision, what do you say, Softpaw?"

Fred was gazing into my eyes from across the table. I shook my head, blinking.

"Y-yeah, yeah, sure."

"You okay?"

I smiled, dropping my quill and flipping my notebook shut. "Just peachy. Do you wanna go find the others, or -?"

"I thought we could maybe utilise the fact that the library is basically empty but for us." Fred whispered, his chocolate eyes dancing with mischief. I rolled my eyes, a grin breaking out across my face.

"Yeah, is that right? You don't wanna meet up with Hopper and Bushy, or round up the team for practice, or -" I let out a half giggle, half shriek, as Fred leapt up from his chair, yanking me up and pinning me against the bookshelf behind. He watched my lips as I bit my bottom one, his grip tightening then relaxing as he lowered his mouth towards me. I let him kiss me deeply, sighing into his mouth as his hands moved across me, one up to my hair to tug at it, the other to my hip to grab it.

Then Fred pulled back, resting his forehead against mine. His pants fanned across my face; I tasted him on the tip of my tongue.

"You wanna try do it on the desk and not get caught by Pince?"

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