Chapter 16 - The Last Start of the List

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"... And I just see him everywhere. Even when he's not there - I know he's a ghost here now. But I mean..."

"You mean the ghost of him - metaphorically speaking, of course - is haunting you everywhere you go." Professor Wells leaned forward with her elbows on her knees, staring at me sympathetically. "I know exactly what you mean. It can't be easy, walking around this school and trying to go back to the way your life was before all of this happened... when just last year, you were here, with him, having the most unspeakable horrors done to you."

I nodded, glancing away. "Yeah. Yeah, exactly."

"You have to accept that it happened, and it's in the past now; there's nothing you can do to change that. But you CAN acknowledge it and move past it." Professor Wells said, brushing her long red hair back. "I'm giving you homework. I'd like you to go to three places that remind you of him and think about what happened there."

I opened my mouth in protest, but she held up a finger, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Also," Professor Wells sat back in her office chair, "you have to do three things that remind you of what life was like here before last year. Things that remind you of being a - well - somewhat normal student," her eyes twinkled, "things that were fun to you."

"I'll try." I said quietly.

"Come on, Daisy." Professor Wells stood, reaching past me to open her office door. "I've heard that you're loud, reckless, funny, boisterous. What you're acting like isn't at all like you. Try to get her back, eh?"

I forced a smile. "I'll try." I said, putting a bit more strength into my voice.

"Alright. Now off you go."

I left, closing the door behind me. I ignored the stares and whispers of my fellow students as I slipped away down the corridor, my head down.

"Was that Daisy Potter coming out of the trauma counsellor's office?"

"Oh my God, is she crying?"

"Nah, she was just there to beg Wells for a spot in her Muggle Studies class. Potter likes older women, I've heard."

I raised my eyebrows at the floor, increasing my pace away from all these weirdos.

I sat through the free period with Terry, the twins, Draco and his bridesmaid and groomsmen - Ginny, Blaise, and Louis - as they went over potential wedding venues. I gazed down at the pictures of beautiful castles and fancy hotels that I was being passed, not really taking anything in. My talk with Professor Wells that morning had shaken me up a bit.

I thought that counselling was supposed to make you feel BETTER. Why was I now spacing out and feeling a huge weight in my chest?


"Huh - what?" I jerked my head up. Everyone was staring at me. "Sorry - what was the question?"

"What's your vote?" Terry said, indicating the pictures of the venues on the table. He was watching me hopefully - I felt a sudden, large swoop of guilt. I was his maid of honour, and he clearly thought a lot of my opinion.

"Er..." I scanned the pictures before me quickly, biting my lip. I went with my gut and reached out for a photo of a castle with big blooming pink flowers around the entrance. "This one looks nice."

"It's pretty much perfect, isn't it?" Terry grinned, exchanging a glance with Draco. The blond linked his hand with Terry's, squeezing, and I sighed inwardly in relief. "It's got an old sort of charm to it, plus it's got loads of rooms for everyone to stay in. It's fancy enough for your parents' standards, baby," my best friend winked at Draco, "and it's actually gorgeous inside. We'll have to pick a weekend to go up there and check it out, all of us."

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