Chapter 13 - Professor Soot's List

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"Guys, wake the fuck up, you're gonna be late!"

Someone was pounding on the door. I mumbled, snuggling further into whoever's chest it was that I was lying on. The person behind me shuffled closer to me, draping an arm around my waist as the one below me slid a hand onto my hip, groaning.

"What time issit?" Fred's morning voice was husky and rough, and I felt myself waken up slightly more, turning my head to press a sleepy kiss to his chest.

"I dunno." George murmured behind me, sighing deeply into the back of my neck.

"Get UP!"

"Who's that banging and yelling?" I whispered, burying my face in the crook of Fred's neck. "Shut up. I'm tryna sleep..."

"You're so comfy and warm, princess... I don't wanna get up..." George trailed off softly, his breathing deepening.

"That's it! I'm coming in there!"

"He's doing what now -"

I winced as the door burst open and Harry strode into the room. Ron, Ginny, Kylie, and Louis were hovering in the doorway, but quickly backed out as soon as they laid eyes on us. Harry growled, turning his back on us.

"Seriously? I know you're all together now, but give me some time to get used to it!"

"Not our fault you barged in on us." I muttered.

Harry let out a short laugh as he bent down, grabbing the shirts on the floor and tossing them behind him; they landed haphazardly on top of the blanket. "We've all already been down and had breakfast, we were wondering where the fuck you three were. But of course, you're all still in bed - because it seems that none of you could resist fucking all night and getting no sleep!"

I blinked and spluttered as Fred's school trousers landed on my face, the twins grumbling beside me as I assume they got my skirt and George's trousers in their faces as well.

"Where are your ties - why do I only see one -" Harry fumed, staring furiously around the dorm.

Fred, George, and I glanced at their Gryffindor ties, which had been looped around the bedposts on either side. For, uh... reasons.

Harry stared at the bedposts. Then he turned to us, steam practically coming out of his ears. "Get. Dressed. We have Transfiguration in five minutes."

Then he was gone, slamming the door behind him. There was a stunned silence for a moment, then Fred, George, and I exchanged glances, and burst out laughing.


Harry hadn't been kidding when he said that Transfiguration was meant to start in five minutes. The twins and I ended up being very late, even though we took all the shortcuts we knew of through tapestries and secret staircases, and arrived outside the classroom door fifteen minutes late.

"McGonagall's gonna kill us." Fred panted, pausing to fix his hair in the reflection of a suit of armour.

I steeled myself then pushed through the door, readying myself for a very stern telling off. What I wasn't expecting was the new professor, standing in front of the class, hands folded casually over his lower stomach.

"Fuck ME..." I sighed dreamily, my eyes roaming over him; he looked even better up close, his chocolate eyes twinkling with a kind of casual amusement, the dark circles underneath and tousled fluffy hair accenting his attractiveness; he towered in front of the class, easily over six feet tall; he released his luscious bottom lip from between his teeth as he turned towards us, cocking an eyebrow at us.

"That would be rather inappropriate, would it not, Miss Potter?" Professor Soot said pleasantly. "Will you and the two other Mr Weasleys take a seat, please? I have been waiting for you three to arrive before I started."

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