Chapter 12 - New Professors

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As the day got darker around us, we spilled out of our compartment and joined our larger friend circle in their compartment. There were too many people to fit comfortably in that small space, but we made it work; squishing in between each other and sitting on people's laps, some even crouching on the floor as we all chattered and laughed.

It was a relief when we arrived at the Hogsmeade station, where as soon as I stepped out of the train and felt the fresh air hit my face and stretched, I made a very inappropriate noise of pleasure.

"Oh GODRIC... that feels good." I sighed, shaking out my limbs.

"Heh." Fred smirked. "I could make y-"

"First years over here, please!" Terry yelled loudly, waving his arms. I turned my back on Fred, watching and sniggering as Terry directed a group of confused first years onto the train tracks.

"Godric Gryffindor, Hopper, you're wild." George commented.

"He doesn't even look like the Head Boy." I pointed out.

"But Boy, does he give good Head." Draco said cheekily as he passed us, and George and I snorted.

"Hey, Hagrid, my man." I said, high-fiving the half-giant on the way to the carriages. "How's it goin'?"

"Alrigh', Daisy? It's goin' good, I've a half a dozen Bowtruckle younglins ready ter -"

Us Insurgents grinned at each other as we left Hagrid to babble - the poor guy hadn't understood that it was a rhetorical question.

Everyone could see the Thestrals this year, and bunches of students were gathered around the freaky looking horses, some cautiously petting them and others watching with mingled disgust and interest. There was also a mad scramble for the carriages; due to our year repeating as none of us had actually learned anything during the Dark Hogwarts days, it was as if we had a whole extra year of students to accommodate.

"Excuse us, coming through."

"Make way, make way."

I grinned as the students parted for us, ogling us as we passed, just like at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. I hoped it would be like this all year; the attention was nice, and it was great to be able to get through crowds so easily.

"Can we take this carriage? Yeah? Okay, thanks, mate." Fred said, coaxing a trio of second years down from the nearest carriage and swinging himself up.

Terry, George, and I followed suit, and we used the privacy on the way up to the castle to gossip about our friends -

"Guys, I heard Suzanne's pregnant!"

"Seriously? Oh my Godric, I'm gonna be an auntie!"

"Don't believe everything you hear on Snapchat, Softpaw."

- about politics -

"I just don't think straight-up capitalism is sustainable long term, it only benefits a very small percentage of people and everyone else gets screwed -"

"I agree, and may I just point out, I hate landlords."


- and about - yes, you guessed it - Luke, yet again -

"I just don't get the hype."

"You wouldn't, you're as straight as they come. You obviously can't get how Softpaw and I just wanna lick those delicious abs..."

"Hey, we've got abs too!"

"Mmm, and those biceps..."

"UH - we've ALSO got biceps!"

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