Chapter 31 - Hate and Love

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The demon and I were giggling, playing tug of war with a metal baseball bat, each of us five-year-olds wanting the torture instrument for ourselves. My dad was talking to Zekius's father, standing off to the side in the vast cavern, neither of them paying any attention to us.

"I want it! It belongs to my father!" Zekius sniggered, tugging the handle towards him. "It is my birthright, foolish angel!"

"No! I want it!" I giggled, tugging the end with jagged spikes and screws poking out in all directions towards me. "My father is the ruler of this whole wretched place! I think you will find it is my birthright, lowly demon!"

"Now, Daisiel," Lucifer warned, turning to us briefly, "do not look down on those we rule. Treat everyone with respect, unless they have not deserved it."

"Apologies, Daddy!" I called, turning back to my playmate with a cackle. "What does it matter, Zekius, you can have it. I am gracious as such."

I smirked, but Zekius said, "That is right, silly little girl," and tugged the bat towards him roughly. My smile dropped and I snarled, grabbing on tight again.

"Drop it!"

"Give it here!"


I'd given a huge yank, and I was suddenly flying backwards onto my ass. I landed with a yelp of pain; I'd tugged the bat into my stomach accidentally, and Zekius's eyes widened as he stared down at me. I glanced down, shrugging as I saw the blood blossoming out from under my white dress.

"Daisiel!" Lucifer hurried over, collapsing onto his knees and wrapping his great black wings around me. "What did I tell you?"

"No playing with the torture instruments." I muttered sullenly.

"That is right. And now you have ruined your pretty dress. What will Gabriel say about that?"

"He will not care. He will just charm another human dressmaker to sew ten more for me."

Lucifer restrained a chuckle. "You are right, little one. Well, let us give Zekius's father back his device, shall we?"

I shrugged again, letting Lucifer pull the bat out of my stomach. Instantly, my wounds closed back over, the pain fading; the only evidence that anything had happened at all were the blood-stained rips on the front of my dress.

"Here. We should both keep a more watchful eye on our children." Lucifer handed Zekius's dad the bat, who had just been scolding the younger demon. "I shall see you tomorrow noon, then?"

"Yes, my lord. My deepest and most sincere apologies for my son's behaviour."

Zekius was watching me from behind his father's legs. He sent a fearful glance up at my dad before following his own through a dark archway.


We were about eleven, sitting down by the Lake of Fire, watching as mass murderers, rapists, and pedophiles were thrashing about in the lava, drowning and yelling and crying out in pain. Zekius was flicking peeling bits of rock into the lava, and I was using my wings to propel a nearby pedo further into the lava, giggling.

"Please... please, beautiful angel... pretty girl, help me..."

"Hehe!" I beamed as, with another flap of my wings, he sank more into the lava; it started pouring into his mouth as he opened it to beg again, and he choked.

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