Chapter 14 - Start of the Prank War

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The prank war began the first week back, and it started off relatively small. Terry and I had kicked it off by writing a fake diary by Colin, displaying his long-term crushes on me and Harry, and left it in the Gryffindor common room.

Of course, Colin, embarrassed by all the hoots and titters that came from the people reading all of the diary entries that he did not actually make, retaliated by stealing some of my and Terry's underwear and pinning them to the doors of the Great Hall. However, nothing fazes me and Terry, and I primped myself as I went about my day with people complimenting my sexy lingerie choices and wishing dreamily that they could see me wearing them.

Then it became a free-for-all. Everyone was pranking everyone, regardless if they'd been pranked or if the people they were pranking had done any pranks themselves. Dean and Seamus had sneaked into my dorm and hung up fifty condoms in Fred and George's four-posters, with the note 'USE PROTECTION' plastered across one of the curtains of my four-poster. I knew it was them because I heard them scurrying down the stairs after I'd woken up, sniggering and guffawing.

Harry pranked Hermione by making duplicates of her homeworks and marking them with Ts. I felt bad for laughing at her as she freaked out, crying and yelling, in the common room; but then again, it was satisfying to see her start to take the prank war seriously after this, probably vengefully - she purchased a fake Erumpent Horn from WWW and put it in Luna's dorm with a note saying it was the horn of a Crumple-Horned Snorkack.

When Luna hung it up, it exploded in her face. But don't worry, we don't make the fake Horns explode nearly as much as the actual real Horns do.

And in our next Transfiguration class, Fred decided that he would continue on with the mischief. Apparently not liking the way I was gazing at Professor Soot, and true to his word, he grabbed one of my hands and moved it to his crotch under our desks. Fred let go briefly to unbuckle and unzip his school trousers, tugging my hand underneath his boxers, both our eyes still fixed on Professor Soot as he lectured at the front; Fred's were flashing with jealousy and mine were wide.

I gulped, feeling with my hand. I wrapped my fingers around him, slowly stroking up and down as he hardened. George glanced at us; I withdrew my hand, spitting into my palm, then returned it. George smirked; I bit my lip, increasing my pace. Fred was smirking too, but his was darker, and his glinting eyes were staring up at the unsuspecting Professor Soot.

"So, Transfigurations of this kind of matter, can sometimes have unwanted subjectives..." Professor Soot's pleasant, attractive voice rolled off his tongue and into my ears like smooth, rich honey. I was in an internal battle; half of me wanted to succumb to my professor's hot voice, and the other half wanted to just drop to my knees right there and then to suck Fred off, regardless if the whole Transfiguration class was there or not.

Fred felt so hard and thick and heavy in my small hand, and it was almost making me salivate. His facial expression was only turning me on more; his eyes had darkened so much they almost looked black, and his lips were curled so wickedly I was squirming in my seat as I jerked him off.

And soon he started jerking his hips up into my hand slightly, slumping forward on his desk as he growled under his breath. I felt my panties dampening as he throbbed and pulsed in my hand, and he suddenly grabbed at my arm, muttering frantically, "I'm gonna - gonna -"

And I felt the explosion of warm wetness seeping over my fingers. Fred was groaning into his school cardigan, which he'd pulled up to his face just in time and was now clenching in between his teeth. I quickly withdrew my hand and stuck my fingers in my mouth, savouring the taste.

"Mr Weasley?" Professor Soot's voice came from the front of the classroom, and I looked up. He was leaning casually against the blackboard, regarding us coolly over the top of his reading glasses. "Are you feeling alright?"

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