Chapter 19 - A Very Luke Halloween

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"Hopper, you look fucking awesome, bro." I crowed.

"Says you, bae." Terry winked at me. "Like, OMG, you're really showing off, aren't you?"

"Defo." I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I admired myself in the mirror. We were getting ready for the Halloween party we were throwing at our cottage, and Terry and I were dressed in angel costumes, while the twins were downstairs mixing cocktails in their demon outfits. I was in a set of white and gold lingerie, a lacy bodysuit only slightly covering my skin with a fluffy, sparkly white suspender skirt and belt holding up my white stockings, which had little golden bows on top. I had slipped my feet into small white and gold kitten heels and popped my real wings out in their small form, curling them around my shoulders. Terry set a fake sparkly halo around my tamed curls, giggling, and I sniggered as it went slightly wonky.

"Draco's gonna literally come in his pants when he sees you." I informed Terry, who let out a snort.

My best friend was wearing white booty shorts and a golden belt - and basically nothing else. He was shirtless, fake angel wings strapped to his back and the same halo as me dangling precariously from the top of his head.

"I can only imagine what Red and Bushy are going to do when they see you." Terry said in a tone that indicated that he should have rolled his eyes when he said this; instead, he looked as if he was salivating at the thought of what they would do...

"Go away, horn." I said. "C'mon, let's go help!"

We hurried down the stairs, giggling and shoving each other. I gazed around at the entrance hall and the living room; the cottage was decorated with fake webs, with plastic spiders charmed to scurry about them; orange and black bunting was hung up around the walls; spooky lights were glowing from lanterns and carved pumpkins around the room, and a skeleton with a long greasy black wig was hung upside down in the middle of the living room, with a sign around its neck reading 'Snivellus Snap.'

"We're actually hilarious." I told Terry, who nodded vigorously.

"I would literally kill myself if we weren't us." He said.

"A bit dramatic, mate." I said. "But okay."

We made our way into the kitchen, where at the island the twins were bending over a large punch bowl, mixing something.

"What's that you're making?" I asked casually, grabbing bubblegum from one of the many sweet bowls we'd put out and stuffing it into my mouth.

"Trick or Trick." Fred said matter-of-factly.


"It's Trick or Trick because there's no treat." George explained. "It's just pure petrol, to be honest."

"Wow." I said as the twins parted, showing the vast collection of over 40% alcohol bottles behind them. "Okay. Cool."

"We poisoning our guests tonight, lads?" Terry threw an arm around my shoulders, a small bottle already in his hand. "Fucking awesome. Looking forward to it."

"Of course you are, you little psychopath." I said, blowing a bubble with my bubblegum and popping it.

George nodded at the clock. "Seven."

And on cue, a knock came at the door.

"Who the hell is that?" Fred said. "Who is ever early to a party, the fuck?"

And so started the Halloween party.


"Alright, Potter?" Blaise raised his glass of Firewhiskey to me as I pranced past with Ron and Kylie on my arms.

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