Chapter 25 - Baby Seagull

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My morning problem was making sure that I stumbled about the corridors and the stairs, and that I had to hold onto the twins on either side of me when I walked; it was made worse by the sudden eruption of giggles from Terry, Draco, Lee, Ginny, and Louis, and the lazily amused eyebrow raise from Blaise as Fred, George, and I approached their breakfast table.

"What?" I had to hold back from using my snapping tone, but my voice barely concealed the irritation as my head spun.

"Have a fun night, Softpaw?" Terry grinned.

"Them two had a fun night too, I think." Lee nodded at the twins, and Terry giggled hysterically.

"Gross, guys." Ginny said in mock disapproval. "I don't want to hear my brothers and future sister being - so - LOUD!"

She made an exaggerated moan, and Terry, Lee, and Louis fell about laughing. Fred and George sniggered on either side of me, guiding me to my seat as I glared around.

"Not in the mood right now, guys." I growled. "I'm dizzy -"

"Here, we can fix that." Draco leaned forward, tapping my temple with his wand. Suddenly, I felt relief in pressure, and the room righted itself.

"What the fuck?" I said. "How did you do that? I need that spell."

"It's just one of those basic healing ones that Terry taught me." Draco glanced at his fiancé, smiling. I also smiled, glancing between them both.

"I can't wait for your wedding." I said affectionately. Terry and Draco's smiles widened into beams, and I reached over to squeeze Terry's hand.

"Yeah, me neither -" Fred said.

"- Because the best man -" George said.

"- Always fucks the maid of honour." Fred finished with a smirk.

"Guys -"

"The best men have already done that." Lee shrugged. "We all heard it last night."

Fred and George were smirking at me, in a cocky, arrogant sort of way, and even though my morning problem was sorted I still felt a spark of irritation.

"Yeah, none of us could sleep." Louis joked.

"Not our fault Daisy's such a slut." Fred said casually, propping his feet up on the table.

Everyone except me and George turned and gaped at him.

"Hey, now." Lee said nervously.

"Fucking watch it." Terry said sharply, glaring at the twins, then turned to me. "Sweetie -"

I got up. I shoved my chair in, steam practically coming out of my ears. Terry made to get up too, but I whipped back around.

"Leave it." I said.

"Softpaw -"

"LEAVE. It."

I felt my palms glowing with white light, and Terry's eyes widened. He slowly sat back down as the twins chuckled, and I turned and stalked out of the restaurant before I actually killed them.

I passed a beautifully framed mirror on my way out and caught sight of myself; my eyes were shining with the same light that was breaking through my fists in between my fingers, and fluffy white feathers were sticking suspiciously out of the neck of my top. I glared at myself before hurrying outside into the gardens surrounding the castle.

"You fuckin' - you fuckin' little -" I fumed to myself, pacing furiously in front of a rose bush before growling, aiming my palms at the ground in frustration. A sear of flame flashed out from my hands and burned a patch in the grass; I had to hold myself back from doing more damage and resumed pacing, gritting my teeth.

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