Chapter 6 - Cracked Mirror

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"You okay, Daze?"

I looked up from my dessert. My head had been throbbing all the way through the banquet the Ministry had provided, and I hadn't eaten much due to the queasy feeling I had in my stomach. I kept thinking I could see him lurking in the corners of the auditorium, which had been transformed into a fancy dining area, smirking at me from the shadows.

"I'm fine." I told George, taking a bite of the lemon meringue. My eyes moved swiftly around the room to the neighbouring tables; ours consisted of the Insurgents, Draco, and Harry's group of four, and our friends and family were at tables dotted around us. I didn't see anyone suspicious; I dropped my gaze back to the white and yellow crumbled in front of me.

"Are you sure, baby?" Fred said on the other side of me. "You're going a bit pale again."

"I'm fine, guys." I said, though my voice wobbled. I shovelled another spoonful of bitter sugar into my mouth as Terry laughed wildly at something Draco said.

"I still can't believe she did that!" Ron was grinning. "That was insane."

"I know, I can't imagine Professor Sprout ever -"

"Shh!" Hermione flapped her hands at Kylie, gazing around with wide eyes. "Don't expose her!"

"A bit late for that, Hermione." Harry said.

I had no clue what they were talking about. Everyone around us had finished their desserts and were getting up and moving across to other tables, socialising. Bottles of wine and champagne were popping up on each table, and without a second's hesitation I had grabbed the champagne closest to me.

"Wow." Terry turned to me as I took a huge swig straight from the bottle. "Softpaw wants to get fuckin' lit tonight, lads."

"I'd just like to not feel certain things for one night." I informed him, hiccuping. Then I took another swig.

George's hand landed on my arm, gently tugging the bottle away from my lips. "Take it easy, princess."

Fred took the bottle, smirking, and chugged it too. George rolled his eyes, snatching the bottle away from us both and slamming it down on the table, waving his wand and making three champagne flutes float towards us.

"Drink from the glass like civilised people," He said exasperatedly, "and don't get alcohol poisoning. I'm worried about you, Daze."

"I'm FINE." I insisted, tilting the bottle into the glass and downing it in one. I hiccuped again, feeling the champagne taking its effects on me already; the taste was very alcoholic and slightly unpleasant underneath the bubbliness and fruity flavour, but the anxiety over the Riddle sighting was fading fast.

"Slow DOWN." George said in amazement. "Come on - you haven't even tested that bottle, princess, and you always test..."

It was true. I hadn't dipped my fingernail in to check if Amortentia was in the champagne. I sagged back in my chair, my eyes moving around the room again. Seamus and Dean were roaring with laughter as Neville told them something, his face shining with joy. Sirius and Mr Weasley were toasting something, grinning; Shannon, Blaise, and Ernie MacMillan were chatting in a huddle, taking sips from their own flutes.

But no Riddle.

I tried to relax, moving around the tables myself after a while, sipping away at my constantly refilling champagne flute, socialising with everyone I knew. Everyone admired my Gold Medal of Honour, congratulating me and complimenting my speech and dress. I nodded and smiled, exchanging pleasantries and putting on my charm, and when I got back to my table I was feeling drained.

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