Chapter 26 - A Very Sexually-Charged Ball

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When I descended the boys' dorm staircase, it was to gasps and a murmur of 'woah's breezing through the crowd gathered at the bottom. I beamed my signature charming grin and waved delicately as I held my dress up with my other hand.

"She's really outdone herself this time." I heard a sixth year mutter to his friend.

I knew I had. My face was glowing; my hair was tamed into soft ringlets that shone under the light with a potion; my lips were luscious and pouty from the lip balm I'd applied generously (for Fred and George's benefit); my dress hugged my curves and flared out into a ballgown-style poof, and it glittered gold; I'd popped my little wings out and they were radiantly white and fluffy; and to top it all off, I was wearing a golden circlet atop my head. All eyes were going to be on me tonight.

"Holy fuck, babe." Fred breathed huskily as I joined him and George at the bottom of the stairs. He was shamelessly checking me out, his eyes lingering on my chest.

"Just letting you know, you're not hogging her the whole night." George warned him, his eyes on the same place.

"Er, both of you will be with me all night, don't be worrying about that." I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Anyway, are we going or is the entirety of Gryffindor House going to stare at me some more?"

"Definitely going." Fred slid an arm around my waist, steering me away as he glared at a younger dude who was licking his lips as he stared at me.

I was really going to miss the attention I got when I moved through the common room, down through the castle, and descended the main staircase to the Entrance Hall. Then I remembered that I'm Daisy Potter, I'm of course going to be invited to multiple events, parties, and balls every year for the rest of my life. I beamed as people from all Houses stared at me, talked excitedly to their friends about me, and yelled out greetings as I passed them, hoping to get a response from me. Celebrity life was so exhilarating.

"Little Miss Celebrity over here." Fred voiced my thoughts.

"Hi, Harry! Hi, Suzanne!" I cheered as we congregated in the Entrance Hall, waving our friends over. "Godric, Suzanne, you look gorgeous, babe!"

"Thanks." Suzanne grinned. "You look fucking radiant and stunning, as per usual."

"No funny business with my sister tonight." Harry warned the twins, who were grinning identically at him. "Everyone's going to be watching her. She doesn't need you two touching her inappropriately -"

"I always need them two touching me inappropriately." I cut Harry off.

"Yeo!" George crowed. "In your face, Harold!"

"Preferably not in his face." Fred said. "I'd rather do it in Softpaw's."

"Oh my Godric." I said.

"But you know who would prefer Harry's face?" Terry bounded up next to us, dragging a flustered Draco by the arm. "Or - well - he likes both, actually, so it wouldn't really matter which of the twins' -"

"Shush!" Draco hissed at his fiancé.

"You guys." I beamed around at them all. The rest of our friends were joining us; Ron, Kylie, Hermione, Blaise, Ginny, Louis, Colin, Shannon, Pansy, our Gryffindor classmates... all still alive, all still here despite everything that happened half a year ago. And all looking so radiant. "You are all so beautiful. I love you."

"We love you too, Daze!"

"Love ya, girlie!"

"Someone's soppy." Terry grinned, nudging me.

"I'm just grateful." I said quietly, smiling back at him. "So grateful for what I have."

Terry smiled back at me. Then the doors opened, and Fred and George extended their arms to me. In between them, I took Fred's left arm and George's right arm and allowed them to march me into the Great Hall.

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