Chapter 29 - Vampires, Kinks, and Possession

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After New Year's, we returned to King's Cross in high spirits. That was the last Christmas holiday we'd ever have (from school, anyway) and now we only had half a year left of Hogwarts - and we were going to make it count.

"You just honestly can't believe how sexy I am, Softpaw!" George was bellowing in our compartment as the Hogwarts Express hurtled towards our destination. "It's got nothing to do with how I use the bathroom! You just can't handle the hot!"

Terry and I were pissing ourselves as Fred grinned in the corner, his feet propped up on a wildly gesturing George's lap. I stumbled up, bracing my hand against the sliding doors, and nearly fell over as the door slid open due to the force I was using. Terry shrieked even louder with laughter as Fred spluttered.

"Guys, I have to go pee!" I wheezed. "I can't - if I stay here any longer I'm gonna wet myself!"

George roared with laughter as I left the compartment, heaving with giggles. I hurried down the narrow hall, passing people and greeting them as I made a beeline for the bathrooms. I slipped into the girls', taking a single step before I was slammed into the wall, the door banging shut behind me.

"Argh! What the -?"

I was cut off as someone buried their face in my neck, biting down; I tried to scream out but I felt suddenly too weak to emit more than a pained moan. I sagged in this person's arms; I felt my blood being sucked out of my neck, my knees buckling - I felt light-headed, my eyes were fluttering shut, the room was spinning...

Then the person moved off of me. I slid to the ground, gasping. Tim Rudd came into my vision, kneeling down beside me, and I reached for my wand automatically. Rudd, however, grabbed my head and forced it back against the wall. My neck was pulsing, I could feel blood trickling down from my neck; my blood was trickling down from the corners of Rudd's mouth.

"Stop moving." Rudd ordered, his beady eyes glittering. "Stay still. Whew."

He leant back on his haunches, looking me up and down hungrily.

"You really are tasty. I thought Sanguini was just hyping it up when he told me about how good your blood tastes when he turned me over the holidays, but..."

"Oh, Godric Gryffindor..." I murmured. That fuckin vampire I'd slept with at Slughorn's party in sixth year had turned the last remaining Douchebag into one of them. And now he was going to kill me or something. "Did... did you ASK him to turn you?" I mumbled, stalling for time.

Rudd nodded. "I was tired of always being the boring sidekick. I wanted to be something for once."

"And so you decided to suck angels' blood as a hobby. Cool." I sighed, feeling weaker by the second as the blood pulsed out of my neck.

"Sanguini said you were the best he'd ever tasted." Rudd moved closer. Instinctively I moved back. "He's right. I dunno how I'm gonna control myself... but I've gotta keep you alive so I can feed on you regularly. You're no use to me dead. So..."

I tried to brace myself against the wall to get up, panicked, as he got out his wand and pointed it at me; but my knees gave out and I collapsed back onto the floor. Rudd was staring at me with such dead eyes...


Fred, George, and Terry had commented on two small puncture wounds in my neck when I'd re-entered the compartment, but I had no recollection of where I'd got them from. I felt a bit weak and shaky, and they'd all said I was very pale, but I must have just been sick in the bathroom.

That night I stuck to Gryffindor Tower, playing Exploding Snap with the Insurgents and cuddling with the twins. For some reason I felt a bit unsafe in the rest of the castle.

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