Chapter 32 - Better Grades, and Teddy

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Things continued to be good once we were back at school after the bachelor weekend. Fred and George regularly went to trauma counselling with me and were healthily talking out their issues; we absolutely demolished Hufflepuff in the next Quidditch match, right in front of the scouts who had returned to watch; our casual prank war continued, ending the next weekend with Harry's hair bright pink, Ginny giggling uncontrollably during inappropriate moments (completely against her will), and Terry fuming after the twins and I filled his bed with stinky potatoes fresh out of the dirt.

The only problem was the twins' grades. In Transfiguration, they were atrocious, as they'd skipped coursework to focus on a big brand deal Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes were doing with England's Quidditch team.

"But you can fix that, can't you, Softpaw?" Fred said conversationally as they walked me to my detention with Professor Soot one Friday night.

"What, by charming him?" I said. "Sure, I mean, I can always try. Everyone -"

"Not exactly." George's eyes were twinkling wickedly. "We want you to do something. If you also want to, of course."

I looked inquisitively between the two, stopping outside the Transfiguration professor's office. Fred backed me into the wall, smirking mischievously down at me, resting a hand casually on the wall above me. He was towering over me, pressed up against me, and I felt my heart speed up.

"We would like you to offer up your exceptional oral skills to our dear Professor Soot, in exchange for Es on our coursework."

"Oh." I said in a small voice. Fred's lips were very close to mine, his fingers tilting my chin up as his chocolate eyes flickered between my eyes and my mouth.

"Would you like that, princess?" George's hand was curling around my waist. "Of course, like I said, you don't have to if you don't w-"

"I want to." I said quickly. "Are - are you two for real?"

Fred nodded. The evil mischief in his eyes was making my knees quake, and it didn't help that his fingers were trailing so fleetingly along my cheek. "Just tell us all about it later, and don't spare any details..."

I strode towards Professor Soot as the door closed behind me, my cheeks flushed and breathing quick. He looked up at me, opening his mouth to greet me, then did a double-take.

"Miss Potter, are you -"

I pushed him back into his office chair as he made to get up, lowering my face and fastening my lips to his. He gave in for a moment, letting me sink into him, before he gently pushed me away.

"Miss Potter." Professor Soot said firmly. "Have Mr Fred and George Weasley given you permission to -"

"Yes!" I burst out, and his dark eyes widened.

"Alright. Come here, then."

"Gladly." I fell into his lap, moving my lips against his as his hands held my waist. Our mouths slid together in a wet heat, our tongues tangling and dancing as I rocked softly against his crotch. I moved my hands up to his fluffy brown hair, tugging at it as I felt him hardening underneath me. His hands slid down, feeling across my shirt, yanking at my Gryffindor tie to bring me closer to him.

His hands then slid down, down, underneath my school skirt... I slapped his hands away, breaking free from his lips to kiss along his jawline, licking and sucking at his neck. Professor Soot groaned as I kissed down his shirt, down, down, as I slid off his lap and onto my knees between his legs.

Under his desk, I unbuckled his belt, tugging at the zipper to his smart trousers. I gazed up at him with a pouty lip, licking across it as I yanked down. He sprang free; I bit my lip and glanced back up.

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