Chapter 37 - Egypt

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The exams fast approached, and before we knew it they were upon us. Surprisingly, we were all prepared for them. I was sure that I had aced them all, and during a pee break during the Defence Against the Dark Arts exam, Terry, Fred, George, and I levitated hundreds of paper cups filled with water in them onto the ground right outside the double doors leading into the Great Hall and placed an anti-Vanishing charm on them. When the exam ended it was chaos trying to leave.


"Dad? Are you in there?"

Sad, moping, I knocked on the door to my father's study. I glanced around the dark cave-like hallway, lit only by small, ominous torches on the wall.

"Open it for her, will you, mate?" Lucifer's voice ordered inside, and the oak-panelled door swung open. A demon with his head bowed gestured me graciously into the room, and I traipsed in, pouting. "What's the matter, darling?"

"He - he -" My bottom lip wobbled, and I burst into tears. "He broke my heart, Daddy!"

Lucifer frowned, his eyebrows furrowing. "Come here, sweetheart. Who is he? I will smite him."

I ran across the room, over the soft fluffy red rug and past Castiel, who nodded at me seriously.

"Hey, Gabe." I muttered, and Gabriel, by the fireplace, raised a hand in greeting.

Lucifer enveloped me in his arms and black wings, hugging me tight. By the looks on the other two's faces, they had all been having a pretty intense talk in here before I came in. But my dad cradled me in his arms as the tears streamed down my face.

"It's this demon I was seeing - Cleoxori - he said we both had - had different expectations of the future, and that - that -" I hiccuped, shaking my head, "I deserved someone better -"

"You certainly do." Lucifer's jaw clenched. "Where did you last see him? I will go have a word with him."

"No - Dad -" I drew back from him a bit, dabbing at the damp patches on his shirt with my jumper sleeve. "It's okay, it's not his fault. He didn't think he'd make me happy, he wants me to be happier."

"I just want to talk."

"Luci." Gabe said, raising an eyebrow. "Listen to your kid."

Lucifer rolled his eyes, stiffly turning back to me, hugging me to him again as I started sobbing again. Gabe stood, coming over to us and hugging me too; Cas joined the hug and the four of us squeezed, breathing in each other's scents and seeking comfort in the warm embrace.

"You will be okay, Daisiel." Cas said solemnly.

"Yeah, boys are stupid." Gabe said cheerily. "Dumbass Cleopatra isn't worth it."

I giggled weakly.

Lucifer sniffed. "I do wish you'd let me smite him. But I will settle for another hug from my little girl."

I hugged him again as my two uncles/brothers backed away, Gabe lifting a hand and making another log fly into the fire. I was grinning, Cleoxori all but forgotten as one of my dad's interns, a short-haired female demon in a leather jacket and dark red eyes that held just the right amount of mischief entered the room, holding out a clipboard with a form on it to sign. My tears dried pretty quickly as I sat up in interest, eyeing her as she wiggled her eyebrows at me then swept back out of the room after Lucifer signed the parchment with human blood, swaggering with either confidence or arrogance - I ended up not caring particularly which it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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