Chapter 27 - The Holidays

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Gossip spread around the school like a house on fire; by the end of classes the next day, everyone had heard that I'd left the ball with the Weasley twins and the Transfiguration professor.

"Bet her grades are gonna mysteriously go up after this."

"Oh c'mon, they've been having a thing long before this. Everyone knew."

"The tension is finally resolved. Maybe now we can actually learn something in class."

I sighed as I limped past the gaggle of gossipers. Professor Soot had REALLY known what he was doing. The twins steadied me as we made our way down the stairs to the Entrance Hall, our stuff flying in their trunks behind us; I was in no fit state to carry anything, and the twins were too lazy.

"This is gonna be the best Christmas ever." Fred said. "Everyone's gonna be there. All our brothers and Ginny, and all their partners, plus Hopper and Draco and Harry, Softpaw."

"It's shaping up to be a good one." I admitted. "Especially since Riddle's no longer a problem."

No one voiced that Floppy still was, even though we were all thinking it. Besides, the point was more so that the country wasn't at war anymore, rather than just having an individual after me.

"Hey, Potter!" A random fifth year yelled across the crowd. "How was the Transfiguration professor?"

Giggles rang out around the Entrance Hall. I grinned.

"I mean, I can't walk properly. Does that answer your question?"

The Hall erupted. Fred and George rolled their eyes. I smirked at the commotion I'd caused - then my smirk dropped as I spotted Professors McGonagall and Soot descending the staircase, the former with a disapproving look on her face, and the latter looking like a deer in the headlights.

"Escort the students to the station," I overheard Professor McGonagall hissing to the younger professor, "and kindly try not to touch any of them on the way, won't you?"

Damn, Minnie. Savage.

The train journey back to London was filled with the usual; Exploding Snap, banter, and a make-out session in the tiny, cramped bathroom that barely fit the three of us. By the time we reached the Burrow, we were all hyped and energetic, buzzed from the social interaction and excitement of Christmas.

"Hi, Bill, hi Fleur!" I greeted the two as the twins, Harry, Suzanne, Terry, Draco, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and I flocked into the kitchen. "How's it going?"

"Hey, Daze! It's going good - what about you?" Bill grinned. "I hear the twins -"

He immediately stopped as Fred and George shook their heads at him.

"Daizzy, it eez good to see you again." Fleur swooped down on me and kissed both cheeks; I felt them heat up, and Fred and George both turned their attention onto me, raising their eyebrows simultaneously.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful?" Mrs Weasley beamed at me as she bustled past, already working on a basket of laundry. "I missed you all terribly this year, I don't know why. It's great to have a full house again."

"Aw, Mum. Don't worry, next year you'll be able to have us on your beck and call." George said. "We won't be in school anymore, so feel free to pop into the apartment and visit anytime too."

"Thank you, George, that's lovely." Mrs Weasley hummed as she started folding jumpers neatly on the counter.

Everyone's heads turned as footsteps sounded at the doorway to the kitchen. A grin split across my face as I watched Percy enter with Blaise.

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