Chapter 7 - Found Out

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I woke up with a start. There was a flurrying of motion, the sound of rustling of bedsheets next to my ear; there was a thud, and I blearily opened my eyes.

"What's going -"

Fred was already awake, and his eyes were wide. I whipped around, following his gaze, and froze.

Mrs Weasley was standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips. Her expression was unreadable; I gasped as I registered George, who had fallen out of the bed and was now scrambling up. The only thing he was wearing was his unbuttoned shirt, his tie dangling from around his collar like something else was dangling -

"Mr George Gideon Weasley," Mrs Weasley said, her eyes flashing, "put some pants on right this instant."

"Right away, ma'am." George joked weakly, looking around wildly, then grabbing his wand. "Uh - Accio boxers!"

"Uh oh, Georgie, you've been found out!" Fred hissed, and George responded by flipping him off, stumbling into his boxers.

"Well, it would have been a lot less obvious if I hadn't just walked in on my two sons in bed, with a girl, without any underwear on." Mrs Weasley's eyes moved from George to Fred. Fred blanched, glancing down, and tugged the blanket up.

"It's - it's not what it looks like, Mrs Weasley -" I tried to step in.

"It's Molly, dear." Mrs Weasley smiled at me briefly, before turning back to her sons. "You two thought you were being so smooth, didn't you? Well, I have been onto you for a long time."

Fred gaped at his mother. George blinked comically. Mrs Weasley tilted her chin up, a smug expression on her face.

"W-what? For how long exactly, Mum?"

Her eyes moved over George, whose cheeks were flaming. "Ever since the Battle of Hogwarts."

"You saw - you saw us kiss?" I said, thinking back to George kissing me in front of the crowd of people in the Great Hall right before the battle began.

"I never saw any kiss." Mrs Weasley shook her head. "No, no, I could tell from the way the two of them were running around looking for you, ever so panicked and worried and desperately in love. And then afterwards, when everyone thought you were dead, Daisy, dear... Only love makes you that crazy."

Mrs Weasley's eyes were moving between the twins, a small smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.

"But - but -" George was spluttering. "The engagement party - the other night - you -"

I knew what he was thinking about. Mrs Weasley had asked George if Fred and I were the cutest couple, among other things... she'd made comments about George and I being awkward around each other, and that we used to be best friends, and questioned Ginny when she said that her mother knew nothing, and asked if George was wearing lip balm...

Mrs Weasley let the smile unfold on her face fully. "Oh, George, dear. Your mother can have a little laugh sometimes, too. I must admit," she gave a small giggle, and my eyes widened, "it was rather fun teasing you three."

"So you knew this whole time?" Fred demanded.

"Of course I knew. I'm your mother. Nothing happens without me knowing about it."

"Unbelievable, Mum." Fred slumped back in the bed, scowling slightly.

Mrs Weasley was smirking now. "I must say, Fred, I was a bit surprised when I found out; I thought you'd be the jealous type. But then I remembered that the only person you'd ever share your toys with was George."

There was a pause. Mrs Weasley and I made eye contact.

"Oh, gosh, dear, I didn't mean you were a toy."

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