Chapter 34 - Wedding Mission

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"I cannot believe you let that blood traitor screw you."

"Which one?"

"That Malfoy boy. I knew you two dated before, but I thought he was with Boot."

I laughed, throwing my quill onto the parchment before me and lounging back on my chair, tilting it back on two legs. I gazed up at the ghost with a grin on my face, shaking my head slightly in disbelief.

"Never thought I'd hear the day you'd call a Malfoy a 'blood traitor.'" I let my eyes move over the disgruntled ghost's folded arms. "And he IS with Terry. Not every relationship has to be oh-so-strictly monogamous, yanno. Some people like to have fun from time to time."

"I did not mean like that." Ghost-Riddle huffed. "I simply thought he had turned strictly to the same sex."

"Oh. You thought he was gay?" I giggled. "Mate, bi people exist. I'm one of them."

Riddle raised an eyebrow coolly, letting his arms fall to his sides and gliding closer. "Come to think of it, why did I not ever take advantage of that? It would have been quite arousing to watch you and another female in bed together..."

I snorted. "Um, you were and still are far too possessive to let anyone else touch me."

Riddle contemplated this for a moment, then shrugged. "That is true. Women are just as much, if not more, of a threat than fellow men. While men have the dangerous ability to get you pregnant with their child rather than mine," he scowled, "women are far more beautiful and smarter in any situation."

"Hell fuckin' yeah, dude! Facts." I raised my hand to Riddle's bewilderment. "Up top!"

"Daze? Oh, there you are!"

I pulled a 'yikes' face, lowering my hand as my two boyfriends, best friend, and his fiancé rounded the corner, coats and jackets on, my puffy pink coat thrown over Fred's arm. His eyes moved from me to my companion, the grin fading from his face. I nudged the piece of parchment I had been working on subtly underneath a textbook.

"Here comes the orgy. Try not to touch each other up again while you are out." Riddle scoffed, turning and phasing through a bookshelf.

"Excuse me. You don't fucking control me." I told Ancient Textes of the Charmes and Hexes.

Fred, George, Terry, and Draco all blinked, glancing between me and the space where Riddle had just been.

"Um." Terry said.

"Why were you literally GOSSIPING about your sex life with Voldemort in the school library?!" Fred demanded, screwing his face up in puzzlement.

"Eh. I was bored and he was there." I said, and Fred shrugged.

"Here, put this on. We're meeting the others at the front." He said, tossing my coat at me. "Can't wait to see you in all those sexy dresses, babe."

"Hey, come on now, I'm supposed to be the sexy one today." Terry protested. "Get up, bitch, why are you revising? Let's fucking goooo!"

I stood up, sniggering, and pulled on my coat. I pushed the textbook under the nook beside the desk, glancing around at the boys and hoping no one saw the title. I tucked the chair in under the desk, leaning into Draco as he kissed my cheek, unsuccessfully dodging a playful slap on my ass from Terry, and taking Fred and George's hands.

My eyes were drawn to the darkest corner of the library as we approached the door. Riddle was still lurking. He was staring behind me with some sort of strange emotion in his eyes - I turned slightly, wondering what he was looking at. Draco was chatting to Terry, a hand in his pocket; I turned back, and Riddle's eyes were now on me.

Daisy Potter and the Wedding (Book 8, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now