Chapter 18 - Tag, You're It

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"Oh my Godric, oh my Godric." I hissed as I peered out of the broom cupboard, which was open an inch. "Oh my Godric. He's so close."

Terry crept past, so close to the cupboard that I could smell his strawberry-scented aftershave. I held my breath, scared that he'd hear. The twins, Suzanne, Harry, and Draco stilled behind me, Draco holding on tight to the back of my arm in fear.

"Alright," I said, watching Terry down the corridor, "he's gone. Let's go!"

I burst out of the broom cupboard, sprinting down the opposite end of the corridor; Terry appeared back from around the corner, making a beeline straight for us; my small group was hot on my heels, but Draco was too slow, a lasting scream echoing after us as we rounded the next corner, with Terry's evil cackling in the background.

"Solider down!" I yelled. "But we must keep pressing on!"

"No!" George shouted dramatically. "Nooo, Drakie-poo!"

"It's too late, Bushy!" I cried back, grasping his arm and shaking it vigorously. "He's gone! He's gone!"

"No! It can't be!" Suzanne fake-sobbed.

"We have to accept it! Hopper got to him, there's nothing we can do for him now!" I pretended to wipe tears from my face as we legged it up the stairs to the Fat Lady's portrait. Fred and George overtook me due to their typical tall-dude legs, and they both grabbed my arms and hoisted me up the last few steps.

"Flatbread." Fred said to the Fat Lady, and she swung open to let us all inside.

"Miss Wanders, I seem to recall that your House is Hufflepuff, not Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall called as she walked past.

Suzanne's only response was to stick her tongue out at the Headmistress before clambering in after Harry, giggling.

"Very mature, Miss Wanders. That is exactly what I expect from my seventh year prefects." We heard Professor McGonagall tutting in disapproval before I burst out laughing.

"Jesus, Suzanne, I love you!"

"You going after my girlfriend, Daze?" Harry fake-glared at me.



"Shit, there's Ron and Blaise!" George yelped, and we all spun on our heels. Ron and Blaise were tearing across the common room towards us, sending first years and tables flying, and I shrieked, making a break for the nearest fireplace.

"Hold-back seventh year Gryffindor boys' dorms!" I yelled, tossing the Floo Powder into the fireplace, and I stumbled out into my dorm. The twins staggered out after me, cackling; Fred wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me once, and George planted a kiss on my lips.

Ultimate Tag was always chaotic and wild, but I was glad that Fred and George were now getting along again ever since they started going to trauma counselling, and I was glad that I'd shared this moment of harmony with them. They seemed to be making more of an effort lately, and apologies shown in actions rather than words were something that I appreciated, and they knew that.

"What happened to Harold and Suzie?" I asked as Fred caressed my stomach, gazing down at me lovingly.

"Last we saw, they were fighting for their LIVES!" George exclaimed with a huff of air. "I only hope our comrades have escaped wi- AAHHHH!"

Harry and Ron had burst out of the fireplace; at the exact same time, Colin, Ginny, and Seamus had slammed the door open.

"FUCK!" I yelled. Harry and Ron aimed for Fred, who was nearest to them, while the other three launched at George - I took the opportunity to scurry between them all and sprint out the door.

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