Chapter 2 - Drunk

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I paced the empty halls of Malfoy Manor, taking in my surroundings as I swirled the champagne in its flute. Finally, I was alone, after three weeks of being surrounded by people at all hours. Finally, I could be alone with my thoughts.

I'd excused myself to go to the bathroom, and when Fred and George had cheekily propositioned me, I'd turned them down meekly, which made them step away hastily and offer to go get more drinks.

I felt sort of bad for taking advantage of their kindness, but they accompanied me EVERYWHERE, and I seriously needed a break.

I meandered past Draco's bedroom, and I giggled as I glanced in. I'd been in there before, many summers before, and I'd made out with him as I felt up his bare chest, feeling his bulge poking into me. Then he'd taken me out on his broomstick; I also remembered making fireworks in the sky while we sat on our respective windowsills.

The nostalgia washed over me. I wondered how things would be different if I'd kept dating Draco, instead of falling for Fred, then George. Maybe Draco would have proposed to me during the Battle of Hogwarts too, and maybe it would have been us whom an engagement party was thrown for by his parents.

And Fred and George would still just be my best friends... or would they? Maybe they would still have fallen for me, and would be so in love that they'd object at my wedding... and maybe I'd still have fallen for them, and I'd leave Draco at the altar for them.

Yeah, sorry, Draco. No matter who I'd chose to date, I think I would always keep coming back to the twins.

A flurrying of feathers sounded behind me, and I jumped practically a mile into the air. I backed quickly into Draco's bedroom, setting my glass down on a cabinet, reaching for my wand, glancing around fearfully.

A hand wrapped around my face, covering my mouth, and a mischievous voice said, "Boo!"

I screamed. It was muffled in the guy's hand, however, and I reflexively kicked my heel up, smashing hard into his crotch. I heard a cry of pain, and I was released; I spun around, grabbing his arm, and tugged hard using all of my weight. The short guy was flipped onto his back on Draco's rug, and he let out a loud groan.

"Holy Hell, Daisiel." Gabriel panted. "That's a nice way to greet your loving brother."

I stared at him. My angel brother, with his shoulder-length hair and whiskey-coloured eyes, was struggling to his feet, huffing and puffing, and Castiel was watching with wide blue eyes, not even attempting to help Gabriel up. And beside him was Lucifer, his black hair slicked back and red eyes glowing; but a completely different shade and shape to Riddle's.

My angel father opened his arms wide, grinning, as if he expected me to run into them, but I simply gaped at them all. Then my hands balled into fists.

"Seriously?" I yelled. "SERIOUSLY? You turn up NOW - where the hell were you? I had to get through this past year all on my own, and not once did any of you help, or even show up - no, I'm not done - WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME?"

"Daisiel, c'mon, let us explain -"

"No, you've had a whole year to come by, and not once - not ONCE -"



"We know, okay!" Gabe yelled over me, and I quietened, panting and glaring at him. "We know, we were aware of everything that happened to you. We couldn't help. I'm sorry."

I stared at him. Cas looked from Gabe to me.

"Dad forbid us from intervening at the start." Lucifer explained in a softer tone. "And by the time that Riddle man got to you, it was too late. We could not help if we wanted to. Which we did, little one, so badly."

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