Chapter 5 - Award Ceremony

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My last summer as a student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a busy one, filled with events where I was a guest of honour in some way or another.

We had Terry and Draco's engagement party - I was the maid of honour. We had my birthday party - I was one of two twins becoming eighteen on that day. And then the awards ceremony held by the Ministry, where my friends and family were to be given Orders of Merlin, and I a Gold Medal of Honour in addition to my Order of Merlin.

"Are you excited?" George asked. We were currently in the kitchen at the Burrow, me perched on the counter as my boyfriend inspected his suit. He held the hanger up in front of him, eyes moving over it critically as I sighed.

"Y'know, I would usually be so fuckin' stoked to be invited to a fancy award ceremony and be the guest of honour," I looked down into my lap, "but it's not getting me as excited now. I just keep thinking of the people that're gonna be given the Order of Merlin posthumously... people that should still be here..."

Images of Lupin, Tonks, Bonnie, Connie, the other students that had died at the Battle of Hogwarts, all floated up in my head. And guilt rose up in me.

"And I think about how if I hadn't gotten involved with Riddle... if I had only just fought harder to resist him..." I bit my lip, shutting my eyes briefly. "If I hadn't given in so easily... maybe none of them would have died."

I heard the sound of a hanger being hung up, then footsteps. A finger was placed under my chin, and my face was tilted up. George gazed down at me, his eyes soft and warm. I melted; while Fred was the wild card, all firecrackers and recklessness and confidence, his twin was more empathetic, sensitive and comforting and so, so gentle. And sometimes I needed comfort.

"Princess," George murmured, his chocolate eyes searching mine, "keep your chin up, don't let your crown fall."

I let out a quiet giggle as the corners of his mouth curled. He was so close now; he was in between my legs, his hands braced on either side of me on the countertop.

"Seriously, though; please don't blame yourself for what Riddle did to you." George rested his forehead on mine, and I inwardly prayed that my heart would stop thumping so hard. "He was a monster who kidnapped you and tortured you, and manipulated you. None of that is your fault."

I gazed into his eyes as I tried to fight the trembling inside me. He was so sweet... so sweet... I wanted to kiss him so badly, I wanted to show him just how much I appreciated him...

"And no one died because of you. They died fighting HIM. They chose to die defending you so that you could take him down and leave the world a better place." George said firmly. "You know, I would have done the same. I'd die for you any day, princess. You -"

I couldn't take it anymore; he was making my heart melt and flutter and twist all at once. I leaned in, capturing his lips in mine. George responded enthusiastically, moving his lips against mine slowly but passionately. I trembled under the intensity of the kiss; his hot breath against my skin, the slick wet heat of our lips and tongues moving against each other, his crotch brushing deliciously against my core -

"And would you like a cup of tea too, Arthur, dear?"

The sudden approaching voice of Mrs Weasley made us spring apart, George stumbling backwards and turning, rubbing the back of his neck, and me swiftly bringing my legs together, placing my hands on my knees. George's mother was bustling into the kitchen, flicking her wand at the kettle; it began to boil immediately.

"Are you wearing lip balm, George, dear?" Mrs Weasley said, one hand on her hip.

George went bright red. I put a hand to my lips, feeling the balm on them that had mostly been kissed away by the guy in front of me.

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