Chapter 24 - Desperate

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"Oh my fucking Godric." I said as we approached Sello Castle. "Hopper, it's fucking beaut, mate."

"Right?" Terry propped a hand on his hip, leaning into Draco.

"Only the best for my beau." Draco kissed Terry's cheek, and I mimed retching.

Fred and George slipped their arms around my waist, and I smiled despite myself. They'd been mean and cold and slightly sociopathic lately, but that's because I'd removed all their negative emotions - their positive ones remained intact, and they could still have fun and be loving. They just wouldn't feel guilty about any mean pranks or hurting my feelings to get what they wanted.

I'd spent the better part of yesterday skipping class and frantically searching through the library for anything relating to giving and taking emotions, but of course what I'd done wasn't a spell of any kind. I could have asked Hermione or Terry for help, but the guilt I was feeling inside for fucking my boyfriends up made me keep it to myself.

"I wish we were marrying you, Softpaw." George said softly, gazing up at the castle as we walked through the flowery archway, squeezing my hip.

"Maybe someday." Fred said, then, firmer, "Definitely someday."

I glanced up at him. He was smiling, his chocolate eyes twinkling. His fiery hair was falling slightly around his face and he reached up a hand to swoop it back over his head, ducking slightly as his smile spread into a cheeky grin. I felt something stir inside me; whether it was my heart squeezing because he was adorable, or my stomach fluttering in arousal because he was hot, I didn't know. Maybe both.

"You three are so in love it's making my stomach turn." Lee commented, his hands in his pockets. He was the final groomsman, with us to visit the venue as he couldn't help us pick it in school; he was an executive at WWW, and had insisted on his own office space near the Diagon Alley location.

"Shut up, Lee."

"Woah." Ginny breathed as we stepped inside the castle.

The entrance hall and reception area was large and airy, with massive stained glass windows that stretched from floor to ceiling. Golden candelabras were topped with burning turquoise candles, which seemed to be rose-scented, and grand chandeliers hung from the high ceilings. Gentle piano music was pouring from an ajar door to our left, and the addictive scent of old books and something floral was wafting around. I glanced to my right; Terry was gazing around in awe and Draco was watching him with a little smile on his face.

"It's alright, I guess." Blaise shrugged.

"Zabini!" I whacked the Slytherin on the arm, scowling. "It's absolutely beautiful, guys. Where's our guide?"

"Over here!" An older woman in a fancy blouse and a thick, cozy cloak draped over her shoulders waved to us from the reception desk. "Hiya! You must be the Malfoy-Boot wedding party. I'm pleased to welcome you all to our lovely castle..."

As she showed us around, I couldn't help but long for my wedding too. Being with Fred and George in such a beautiful place, where weddings took place frequently because it was so gorgeous and romantic there, really made me dream. I imagined us in the grounds, strolling after we'd got married, through the roses and archways and over the little bridge... I imagined us in the banqueting area, giving speeches, then with the tables cleared away dancing and having fun... I imagined us in the bridal suite, touching each other with intense anticipation, getting ready for the night we would all have been looking forward to... and when she showed us the ceremony chamber, I nearly cried.

My eyes welled up with tears as I gazed around the room, all dressed up for a wedding, beaming. The red carpet swept all the way down the aisle, where chiavari chairs stood facing the grand floral archway, decorated with pale pink bows. Giant blooms blossomed from the arch, and cherry blossom trees were stood at the end of every row of chairs, framing the seating area and the aisle. I knew it was supposed to be about Terry and Draco, but I couldn't help imagining me in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle on Harry's arm, beaming as I looked up at Fred and George, who would be waiting for me at the archway, also beaming with tears in their eyes. I couldn't help imagining Mrs Weasley sobbing into a handkerchief, Terry grinning as my best man, Sirius threatening Fred and George not to hurt me, but grinning all the while and slapping their backs afterwards. I couldn't help imagining saying our vows, the looks on their faces as we all slid our rings onto each other's fingers, as they both kissed the bride in turn as everyone clapped and cheered...

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