01 - confession + first kiss

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summer after freshman year
(15-16ish years old)

The party is slowly going home, leaving just Mike and Will sitting on Mike's couch in the basement like when they were younger. Each of them are dressed in blue jeans and flannels, Mike's blue and Will's red.

They're so close that their knees are touching, but both of them are aware of the face that they have never been more distant. After Mike and El broke up because her and Hopper moved to Tennessee, he had been really upset, though he still comes to all of the parties hang outs.

"Will?" Mike says, his voice shaky and uneasy.

"Yeah?" Will asks, his heart beginning to beat fast as he looks at Mike.

"I'm sorry for the past few months. I know everything between us is different then it was when we were kids. I miss when we used to hang out every single and have sleepovers, just the two of us. I really miss seeing you at my door asking to go on bike rides or go to the arcade, and I know that I'm the one they ruined us. I let El get between us. Between our friendship." Mike says, Will's eyes going wide at his words.

"I miss it all, too. It's just that - I was jealous of El. I was upset that you started to care for her more then me after like one day of knowing her. I know that sounds like I'm a total bitch, but I was just a jealous kid and I missed us." Will says, Mike feeling a wave of regret wash over him.

"God, I was such a shitty best friend. I'm so sorry. I mean you went through so much and I was barely even there for you. I should have been there for you. Also, d - do you remember when you showed me the painting in the car?" Mike asks, flashbacks coming into Will's head.

"Yeah?" Will says curiously.

"I was so close to crying when I saw it. It's honestly the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me, Will. And your speech about El needing me - it - it was amazing." he says, stuttering out some of his words.

"Yeah, well that speech about El - it wasn't really me talking about her, Mike. It was more me sharing my own feelings about you. About us." Will says, his heart beating out of his chest.

"Oh. So the stuff about El always loving me - was you saying that you love me?" Mike says nervously.

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you sooner, but god, I was so scared that you would hate me. I've loved you for basically my whole life but I thought they liking boys was weird. I really wanted to tell you and I'm really sorry if this ruins our friendship." Will says, shutting his eyes tightly for a second and hearing Mike let out a big sigh.

"Will...I was insanely scared to tell you this before I got with El, and I obviously couldn't tell you this when I was with El, but all of that is in the past. I love you, Will. I always have. Dating El made me realize that I have forced myself to think I like girls to hide my feelings for you. These feelings have always been here." he says, causing Will's breath to catch in his throat.

Before either of them can say anymore, Mike places his hand under Will's chin, cupping his face and watching it turn beat red. Mike smirks which makes Will blush even more.

"I love you." Mike whispers, just before pressing his lips softly onto Will's. At first it's awkward, but after a few seconds, they both ease into it. Their lips move in sync and Wills fingers tangle in Mike's curly black hair, pulling him closer.

They have both waited for this for almost their entire lives, so the kiss is hungry and lasts a while longer before they finally release, both out of breath.

"Thank you." Will says, completely out breath.

"You have no idea how long I have waited to kiss you." Mike says, his hand still cupping Will's smooth skin.

"I do know. I've waited just that long." Will says before placing his lips firmly onto Mike's. This kiss lasts a little longer as their lips move hungrily and their hands entangle in each other's hair, pulling the other closer. By this time, Will is practically on Mike's lap when they finally split apart.

"So, what now?" Will asks.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that whatever it is, we'll be doing it together." Mike says, interlocking his fingers with Will's.

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