34 - arcade bathroom pt 2

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*i felt bad so here is a part two of last chapter*
*still will pov*
*mostly fluff*
After Max bikes me home, I go inside my room and shut the door, immediately turning on music to distract me.

I sit down at my desk and continue with my drawing, immediately an idea of a face popping into my head. I begin to use charcoal and sketch out Mike's face, his eyes dark and his smile non-existent. He looks slightly evil, but that's honestly how he looks in my eyes right now.

As I begin to draw his painfully beautiful curly hair, I hear my mom calling my name and her voice sounds slightly worried, so I quickly get up and run to the living room to see Mike.

He's standing right by her side and they both look insanely awkward, Mike fidgeting with his fingers while my mom gives me a weak smile.

"Can we talk?" Mike asks. I nod my head and gesture towards me room. He follows me inside and I shut the door behind him.

"Will, I saw you earlier leave the arcade crying. Are you okay?" Mike asks, his voice trembling slightly.

"Oh. N - not really." I say shakily.

"What's wrong?" Mike asks.

"It's just that - that it was really hard to see you and El together. I just got a little bit overwhelmed." I say, trying not to sound too pathetic.

"Why was it hard to see us together?" Mike says.

"Because Mike I - I still have feelings for you. I always have and I don't know if they will ever go away. I know that sounds dumb. I just got upset." I say, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh. Will, there's something I need to talk to you about. You have to promise not to tell anyone, especially El or my parents." he says. I can tell that he's scared.

"I won't. I promise." I say.

"Okay. That day in my basement when you told me that you liked me - I wanted to say it back. I wanted to say it back more than anything, but god I was so scared. A million thoughts were going through my mind and I didn't know what to say, so I just ignored those feelings for you and started dating El again to distract myself." Mike says, his eyes becoming glossy. I can feel my cheeks turn red and nervous butterflies swarm in my stomach. I can't even believe this.

"Y - You like me back?" I ask, my voice wavering.

"I love you, Will." Mike says. His body moves slowly towards mine and I take his shaky hand in mine, interlocking our fingers.

He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it lightly which causes my heart to almost burst.

"I love you, too. Obviously." I say, laughing weakly. His cheeks grow rosy as his other hand moves up and cups my cheek. I tilt my head slightly and close the space between us, our lips meeting.

He moves his other hand to my waist and pulls me closer as I drape my arms over his neck and lean into his tall body. When we finally release, his hands remain on my waist and our foreheads fall against each other.

"I've waited to do that for a really long time." I whisper. He lifts his head and kisses my red cheek lightly.

"So have I. I love you more than you'll ever understand." he says, so quiet it's almost inaudible.

"Trust me, Mike. I understand." I say back, smiling into another kiss.

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