19 - study date

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*fall of freshman year*
*will and mike are together*
*will pov*
*short chapter*

I write biology notes down furiously in my notebook while also trying to pay attention to what the teacher is drawing on the board. I look over to see Mike, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he messily writes down as much as he can. Mike has always loved science, but this year school has been really hard for him.

When the bell finally rings and it's time to go home, Mike catches up to me in the hallway.

"Hey! Do you maybe wanna come over and help me study? I have no clue how I'm gonna pass the test on Friday." he groans.

"Yeah, definitely. I already made some flash cards from yesterdays lesson that we can use and I can make some more at your house." I say, pushing some books into my locker.

"You're a life saver. Plus that means we have an excuse to hang out again." Mike says, making me blush. He takes my hand and we down the hallway and out the door, getting on our bikes and heading back to Mike's house. When we get there, he grabs a bag of chips from the pantry and we go upstairs. I take the flash cards and my notebook and pens out of bag and sit across from Mike on his bed as he rummages through his backpack.

"How about you study for a little while and I'll make some more flash cards and then I'll quiz you." I say. He nods and I begin to write more flash cards, occasionally lifting my eyes to make eye contact with Mike, both of us blushing and quickly looking back down at what we were doing.

"You ready?" I ask, putting all the flash cards together.

"Yeah sure, but I don't know how well I'll do." he says hesitantly.

"It's fine, Mike. That's why we're studying." I say, interlocking our fingers.

"Okay, first question. What is the function of the chloroplast?" I ask, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Ummm...to convert light energy into chemical energy?" Mike says hesitantly.

"Yup!" I say, squeezing his hand a little tighter.

"What about the mitochondrion?" I ask.

"Uhh...I - I don't know." he says, turning his head away.

"Mike, it's fine! Seriously! The function is energy production." I say, flipping to the next card.

"Do animals have prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells?" I question.

"Eukaryotic." he says confidently. I smile widely and move on, and he gets almost all of them correct.

"So what do I get for getting so many correct?" he teases.

"A good grade on your test?" I mock.

"I guess, but that's not quite what I had in mind." he says. He picks all of our stuff up and sets it on the ground as I lay down.

He puts his elbows on either side of my head and presses him lips hungrily on mine. I pull on his hair as he groans and starts to kiss down my neck. I roll on top of him and begin to do the same, kissing his neck as he moves his body underneath me. He sighs my name which sends shivers down my spine. Before we can continue, I lean away and he groans.

"Why did you stop?" he complains.

"Get more questions right and we can keep going." I say, getting the flash cards back out.

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