27 - skateboarding lessons

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*fall of freshman year*
*will and mike are together*
*mike pov*

I lace up my beat up black converse and grab my knee pads and helmet out of the closet before putting them on, grabbing my skateboard out of the garage, and walking outside.

The second I swing the door open, a gust of cool autumn air hits me like a ton of bricks as I take in the scents of the dry leaves and pumpkin spice coming from inside my house. I carry my skateboard into the cul-de-sac in front of my house and set my skateboard down, hopping on and beginning to push down the street.

When I get to the end of the street, I turn back and begin to skate back towards me house, but I hear the rustling of stepped on leaves behind me, and I turn around to see Will biking towards me. I kick my skateboard up into my arms as he pulls up next to me, his hair messy from the breeze.

"Will!" I say, kissing his cheek softly and watching his face turn pink.

"I didn't know you were so good at skating!" he says, following me back towards my house.

"Max taught me and I've been practicing since then. You wanna learn?" I ask, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Absolutely not. Do you know how dangerous it is?" he gawks.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby. I won't let anything bad happen to you." I reassure.

"Fine." he says stubbornly. When we get back to my house, he rests his bike up against the garage door and comes back, sitting on the curb as I help him out on the knee pads and helmet. When he's ready, we both stand up and I lay the skateboard in front of him.

"Okay, put your feet on the board, but too far to the front or the back. Make sure that you're balanced." I say. He cautiously steps onto it, immediately grabbing my hands when there is a little wobble.

"I almost fell!" he says, shaking as he continues to stand still.

"You did not! Now use one foot and push." I say. He slowly puts one foot down and pushes forward, not wobbling at all.

"Good job!" I say as he still keeps his hands on my forearms. He continues to push, but when I let go and he begins to wobble, I try to keep up, but before I know it, he's collapsing onto the ground.

"Shit!" I yell, rubbing up to him and kneeling beside him. I feel insanely bad when I see a bleeding wound on his elbow.

"Will! Will I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I say, his head moving up to mine. I expect to see tears, but instead he is laughing.

"What's funny?" I ask in amazement.

"That was just really fun." he laughs, admiring the cut on his elbow.

"You're insane! We need to get you inside and bandage you up!" I say, helping him up. We walk back to my house and I lay my skateboard next to his bike, leading him inside and pulling him into my bathroom where I take out a bandage, peroxide, and a paper towel.

"Here, sit on the side of the bath tub and I'll clean it up. The peroxide might sting though." I say as he sits down. I kneel on the ground and wet the towel with the peroxide, pressing it onto his elbow as he winces in pain.

"Sorry." I say. When I'm done, I wrap the bandage around his elbow, and when I'm finished, his eyes meet mine.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." I say sadly.

"You didn't hurt me, Mike. You could never hurt me." he says, our lips growing closer by the second. Barely a minute later, he presses his lips firmly to mine. My hand finds the back of his neck and I pull him closer, his fingers entangling in my hair.

"Mike." he sighs as I kiss down his neck. I smile against his skin and continue to his all over his neck and collar bones. His hands tug my hair harder with makes me groan into his skin. I kiss his elbow just above the bandage and look back at him to see his eyes filled with lust.

"I love you so much." I say, admiring his countless beautiful features.

"I love you too." he says, kissing my cheek softly.

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