Chapter 20

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Monday after classes I drive myself to the doctor's appointment to get birth control. I choose to go with the shot that can be affected from eight to twelve weeks and it's much better than me forgetting to take a pill.

I really want to get to the next level in our relationship and the fact that Chris is so nice and understanding, only makes my decision clearer. I know that he won't push me into anything, but I want him so much. I want to feel him in the deepest way and he hadn't had sex in a month. Which is a very long time for a guy who used to have sex every day, probably multiple times.

I drive back to campus because Chris has to work today and as he says, I distract him. Go figure. He's the one who always comes cuddling to the couch while I'm reading a book or watching a movie. He says that I look cute sitting there. Once, I went to the bedroom to read my book, but he came back to me eventually, by saying that he kept thinking about my sexy body on his bed... He's a pervert and I love him.

I change into my pajamas when I get to my room and work on my assignments when Chris calls me. I saved his contact with a black and white picture of him smiling under the sun and named him as 'My boy' with the pink two heart emoji. How did he save me? I should check that.

"Katherine speaking." I answer by pressing my phone between my cheek and shoulder while editing some of my notes.

"Miss Katherine, what are you up to this fine evening?" He asks with a voice of a man from the nineteenth century and I giggle.

"Fine evening you say?" I tease and look out the window. It's dark now but raining. "I am editing my notes from today's classes."

"Boring." He says and I roll my eyes. "Stay with me tonight." He pouts.

"Chris..." I start.

"Kat..." He fires back, of course.

"You were the one who said that I'm distracting you." I remind him nicely.

"I know." He sighs and I hear something in the background. "I missed you." He says and my stomach flutters.

"You saw me this morning." I say, but I missed him too.

"And? It's been thirteen hours." Oh god. He counts the time we are apart, so cute.

"Aren't you cute." I tease.

"You're cute."

I put the stack of notes away and look at my laptop.

"What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" I ask him while typing.

"I was thinking about going out and drinking. Oh... and I met this girl at the bar, she was tidy, maybe I'll pull up with her." He says. I know enough British slang to understand that he just basically said that he's going to hook up with a hot girl and I fucking know that he's joking...

"I know that you're bloody joking." I say with annoyance and he laughs.

"What's the word that you just used? Bloody? How British of you." He laughs and If he was here I would've swatted his head. Idiot.

"Ha ha."

"I was actually going to order some pizza and watch that dreadful show of yours." He might say that he hates TVD, but I know that he liked it and that's why he's watching it.

"You have leftovers in the fridge." I remind him with a monotone voice while typing the code for my project.

"I know, but I want pizza." He says, like a five year old child.

"How can you eat so much junk food and have those abs?" I ask with amusement.

"My abs, huh? Is that what you're thinking?" He asks with a smug voice and I gulp.

"No." I lie.

"Of course you are. So just come here."

"Chris. It's fucking raining outside." I look out. Yeap, it's pouring out there.

"Then I'll drive to you." He says.

"You can't. Diana's here." Not right now, but she will be...

"Send her to Ethan."

"He doesn't live on campus, remember?"

"Hayley." He suggests. Is he that desperate?



"Oh, now you've done it. I'm not sending her to my brother's room. Are you crazy?" I laugh.

"I am actually. Not crazier than you are though..."

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

"Not fair." He pouts like a little child. "And I can't tomorrow. I'm going to the sports bar with guys, remember?" He says and I mentally smack myself.

"Yeah, yeah. I forgot for a second. Have fun." I say with a cheery voice.

"I don't have to go." He says and I fucking knew it. He has to go out with his friends. He doesn't go to the parties anymore and he spends all of his time with me.

"No. I want you to go. I'll just see you on Wednesday." I tell him and he sighs.

"It's too long. Too fucking long, baby." He wines.

"It will be fine." I hope. "Come on. I have to finish up my work and I want to go to bed early."

"I love you, baby." He says and I smile.

"I love you more." I say and hang up the phone.

I bet he'll find a way to see me until Wednesday, but I can find a way to make things interesting. I finish my work and go to bed with exciting thoughts. It will be hard to sleep now that I know what I want to do on Wednesday.

Just as I thought he found a way to see me on Tuesday. He came to the coffee shop early in the morning and got me a coffee before the class. I almost got late and tripped at the stairs while running to my first class. When he said that he's going to come Wednesday morning too, I flipped him off and used his lines saying that he's distracting me and that I'll see him after. I know that he has things to do after classes and I hope he will be late.

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