Chapter 29

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Diana and Ethan arrive a little later than nine and they both look exhausted. Probably because they're flight got delayed two times and they had to drive through the L.A. traffic. My mom arranges the bedrooms. As I figured earlier, she moved Kevin to Harvey's room and gave the small room to Ethan and Diana. When It came to Chris, she asked me where she should make his bed, and I gladly flipped her off by informing her that he'll be staying with me. I guess she already knew that and that's why she laughed and gave me a hug before sending us to sleep. Diana made a joke about hitting the L.A. nights, but she couldn't even laugh because of how tired she was.

The best part is that I'm in my room, in my bed with Chris. It feels so good to have him here...

"You fucking knew about this didn't you?" Logan closes the door to the room. We're in my family's lake house. I look around to think about what to say or do to get out of this situation, but I can't come up with anything.

"I didn't know that he's going to be here." I say.

"Bullshit!" He spits. "You're probably fucking with him anyway!" He yells.

"I would never do that! I'm not you!" I shout. It's not helping my situation at all. But when he pushes me, I push him back.

"You act all good girl..." He says and grabs my arm. I can smell the liquor on his breath. It's goddamn noon and he's already drunk. "When you are this little bitch. You do this on purpose! You're doing this to me!" He shouts and I try to get out of his grip, but he's holding me too tightly. It actually might leave a mark.

"I don't do shit to you!" I yell.

"Yes you do! You are the one who is acting like a whore behind my back!"

"At least I don't fuck anyone." I spit.

"Yeah, about that." He says and walks over to the wall, still holding me. He pushes me to the wall and I hit my back. He holds me so that I can't move.

"You have an explanation to do." He says.

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I say and rage fills his bloodshot eyes as he slaps me.

"Yes bitch you do!"

Don't cry... don't cry...

"That guy was making eyes." He walks back a little. I press my hand to my cheek. "You like that attention don't you. Because that's who you are. You're an attention whore, nothing more. Wait until I get that crown from your head..."

"I built this. It's mine, not yours!" I shout. He wouldn't dare. Would he?

"You're going to do whatever the fuck I tell you to do!" He says with a murderous glare.

"What if I don't?" I ask him venom laced in my voice.

He walks over to the night stand and grabs a vase. Before I can comprehend what he's doing, he throws the vase at me, but he misses and it hits the wall next to me. I scream in surprise and he walks over to me.

"You... will... do... whatever... I... say..." He says, while hitting my head to the wall.

He hits my head one last time and leaves the room. I release my tears and drop to the floor, not knowing what to do. Fifteen year old me, sits on this carpeted floor with shards of vase on it and sobs into her t-shirt. No one can help her and no one will understand...

"Baby... "

"Please wake up..."

What? Am I still dreaming?

I open my eyes to a dark room. My room with Chris next to me, holding me. I realize that my cheeks are stained with tears.

"Are you okay? What did you see?" He asks with worry. I look over to him and the blue of his eyes calm me down.

As I stare into his eyes and feel his touch, I release myself and let myself cry.

"Shh... baby... it's okay." He says and presses my head to his chest. "It's okay. It was just a nightmare." He says. Even hearing his voice and his accent is calming me down.

"Chris..." I sob into his chest. He runs his hand up and down my back to calm me down, while the other one holds me. He lays down on the bed with me and I wrap my arms around him tightly, like he might disappear.

"Never leave me." I say and he stops his hand, out of shock I guess.

"I'll never leave you. Never." He says and continues to rub my back. "I love you baby, so much." He says and kisses my head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks after I stop crying.

"It wasn't just a nightmare. It was a memory. A memory from before... when I was with Logan." I say and I can feel Chris tense.

"It's okay. You'll never see him again and I will never leave. I will never let anything happen to you." His tone is so serious, even angry. But I know that he's worried about me and that's why he feels this anger toward Logan.

"Let's try to sleep." He says softly and I nod. 

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