I wrote you a letter

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I wrote you a letter
Three pages long
Of all the things
That went wrong
How you made me feel
Why i felt that way and
What a good partner
Does and doesn't do

I wrote you a letter
Three pages long
Where the last half
Tells what i want
What i want for me
What i want for you
Because we both
Deserve so much more
More than we have to offer
More than we're willing to give
More than this

I wrote you a letter
Three pages long
And i told you
That you deserve
To have a good life
With the woman you love
And that you both
Deserve a wonderful home
And a wonderful family

I wrote you a letter
Three pages long
Where i told you i love you
With all of my heart
That maybe someday
If we cross paths once more
Maybe then we'll try again

I wrote you a letter
Three pages long
And i said goodbye


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