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All eyes on you that's what you like
Super friendly
Too big ego
Everyone needs to know
When you're happy
When you're sad
When you're angry
When you win or lose
When there's a little inconvenience
Every little thing
You need all eyes on you
All the time
You're too good
To stop people from flirting
"It would make it awkward
I'm not just gonna tell her to stop"
Too good to make enemies
Be good friends with all your ex's
Too friendly with other girls
Who are clearly into you
As always
But you're "too blind" to see
How everyone throws themselves at you
"Too blind" to see you're asking for attention
Every time you post yourself crying
After i am the one to hurt you
Every time you send me a video
Making me watch you cry
Breaking my heart
But every time you hurt me
And i tried to talk to you about it
You got angry, yelled at me
Why do you guilt trip me like this?
Why are you making this so hard?
You're grasping at straws
Because I always take the bait
You always get me crawling back
Just to make sure you're okay
Even though i'm not
But i can't give in this time
Don't you see?
Stop pretending to be blind
Open your stupid beautiful eyes
You need to face everything
The consequences of your actions
Instead of waiting for me
To break down and give in
To sacrifice myself to you yet again
I've done that too many times
I have no lives left to give
My heart has shattered before
And instead of gluing it back together
I kept breaking pieces back off
To fix the holes in yours
When you're the one who did wrong
And you're turning it around on me
Making me believe that
It's always my fault
I'm always to blame


A Chapter Named CWhere stories live. Discover now