Mirror, mirror

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Can you turn back the clock?
I remember his handsome smile
His glowing hazel eyes on me
The overwhelming feeling
Of pure and true love

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
How long has it been?
I wish to touch his skin again
Listen to his heart beating
Feel his warmth radiating
Want to feel him in our bed
Even if it's just in my head

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Where did it all go wrong?
I had too many issues to start
But he crossed every line
Too blurred for him to find
Too blind to care about my pain

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Where do i go from here?
All i can manage is to think about him
Everything's a mess, just how he left
Can't bring myself to clean up
I'd rather stay in this dream
That he's gonna come home


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