Chapter 21

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When Prince Fedia saw his brother being attacked by the spirit and hematemesis, his face suddenly changed, and he was furious. He was about to ask who could move: "Who ..."

"it's me."

After a quick look back, he saw that Oston's wheelchair was parked behind him, and the Royal Duke Oston, the famous mad dog, was staring at him with those grim eyes.

The eyes of Archduke Fedia suddenly looked very surprised: "Ou ... Duke Auston ..."

Even if he was the heir to the House of the Duke of Fedia, he would not dare to show any disrespect to Orston.

Auston ignored him at all, with a somber face, and pushed the wheelchair to Owen.

Irving suddenly felt as if he had been stared at by a poisonous snake. The whole person shivered unconsciously, and squeezed the words from his throat with great fear: "O ... O ..."

Fear is extreme.

No one can think of a royal mad dog who has always disliked this kind of occasion.

The nobles present were not afraid of Ruan Tang, but no one was not afraid of Auston. He was a full-blown crazy dog ​​who caught and bite who did not distinguish whether you were an aristocracy or not.

After realizing his appearance, the audience was silent and quiet.

Except for the sound of breathing, I could not hear the slightest sound.

Ruan Tang didn't expect that Oston would come, remembering that he was holding the duchess's identity, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. I wonder how this lunatic would think of him.

Although Auston was sitting in a wheelchair, he was stronger than everyone standing on the scene. He looked coldly at Irving who vomited blood, and just raised his hand to beat him out!

Even the bar with Owen's position behind him was also brought down by Owen who flew out!

Several crackles of "cracking".

The sound of the shattering of numerous wine glasses made everyone frightened.

Aston unsuspectingly oppressed Irving 's high-level mental power alpha to suppress the low-level alpha mental power. Although he is a lunatic, but the gene is placed here, he is a lunatic with 3s + mental power. It is a c-class mental wastewood.

As soon as his mental coercion came out, Irving immediately grinned with pain, his face twisted, and he was directly suppressed by him lying on the ground, unable to stand up.

Everyone was confused and wondered how Irving had caused this lunatic.

"... What is this, His Excellency Allston?" The eldest son of Fedia watched his brother humiliated, and his face suddenly froze.

"What did you just say, say it again?" Auston ignored him at all, pushed the wheelchair to Owen again, and watched with painful distorted look on Owen's face, but hugged him condescendingly and suddenly spoke.

Owen was emotionally suppressed, his eyes were covered with red blood, and he had no idea how he had offended the duke. He wanted to repeat what he had just said, but he couldn't say anything because he was suppressed by fear: "I ... I ... "

Allston was so crazy that no one felt that he wanted to show face, nor did he want to know that he was in the early stages for Ruan Tang ...

Looking at Owen's painful sweaty forehead, everyone around the scene who was happy to watch the scene was unconsciously holding his breath.

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