Chapter 86

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Ruan Xi is in a state of extreme insanity. In his fantasy, the world 's top alpha loves him all the more. Ruan Tang was stepped on by him in the dust and abused by Oston to death, Tang Yun And Ruan Yang did not even have a chance to wake up. The entire Ruan family, the entire interstellar everything is his ...

He was screaming frantically, and was brought back to his cell by the prison guard.

And Ruan Tang knew nothing about all of this, even the news of Ruan Xi's sudden death, he did not know until a few hours ...

After knowing it, that's how it passed. He didn't even have the slightest feeling of this person's death.

After a busy day, when I got home, it was already late.

"Chairman Nguyen is busy with people. It's getting late and I don't take me to my heart anymore." Aston saw him, he complained angrily.

Ruan Tang immediately turned her corner and smiled: "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect it would be so late today ... let you wait for me, have you eaten? Would you like me to cook for myself? give you to eat?"

Because of the large-scale clean-up and the large number of servants of the Duke's Mansion, he didn't want to recruit anyone for a while, and he was afraid that someone would come in and see him.

For a moment, in addition to the robot servant and a few trustworthy old men, only the two living people Ruan Tang and Auston were left in the grand ducal palace.

There is not even a decent cook at home.

These days, their dinner is solved by Ruan Tang or a cooking robot.

It was a bit late for him to come back. Ruan Tang was really afraid that Auston was still hungry.

"No need, waiting for you to come back to cook and eat, daylily is cold." Auston glanced at him, very uncle-like: "I have dinner ready, I am waiting for you to eat."

Aston led Ruan Tang into the restaurant, and saw that the food on the table was neatly arranged, delicate, and the color and fragrance were not made by a cooking robot. There were also a few beautiful roses on the table. , Lighting a candle.

One could tell at a glance that the dinner was painstaking.

Ruan Tang looked at the person in front of him and the candlelight in the middle of the dining table, and suddenly felt extremely warm as if he had found a home.

"Please, sir." Ruan Tang stepped forward and opened the chair for Oston diligently. After setting up Allston, he immediately picked up the rose placed on the table and curved slightly to the corner of Allston's eyes: "It's a rose, thank you for your dedication, but I don't like this kind of flower , Next time my adult sends me flowers, can you send me something else? "

He did not expect that Auston would have such a romantic mind.

However, he did not like this kind of flower. Although it was expensive and symbolized love, he always felt that it was too vulgar to trust the love of too many people.

There should be something more special between him and Allston.

"Did I say it was for you?" Aston heard he said he didn't like it, and immediately snatched the rose in his hand, and hummed coldly: "People who come home late will have a good look, How dare you choose from me here? "

This omega is getting more and more excessive, and he gave him things by himself, even if he didn't appreciate his tears, he dared to tell him that he didn't like it.

He didn't look like this until he apparently chased him.

Huh, man, this kind of thing is really unbelievable.

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